29: No Denying Now

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"You can't fail what you built to protect."

She would never let Musa do what he will do out of sheer anger. She recalled a famous saying from the Lion of God Himself, Hazrat Ali (R. A) said: "Never commit a deed out of anger for even if good, it will count as a sin." And so she hated it. When anger made you do things you regretted later, but her husband was not one to regret. Then in her coma, she could only hear and see now, however not move. She was in a state only God knew and could take her out of.

Musa sat beside her and took her numb hands in his own, kissing each knuckle with endearing love. "You're improving." He had said between his small pecks.

"We miss you, Zahra needs you." He paused putting her hand to his heart liking it there, "I need you . . ." he whispered.

She could hear and she wanted to scream, but she was bound by an invisible force. "I love you Hoor and I know it's not a good time, but I just felt that maybe if you hear me you'll come back to me."

Only the sounds of the heart machine could be heard as it raced to show her rapid heartbeat. He smirked, he still affected her frozen form. "So you are listening and look at you, already feeling flattered." He was happy. He prayed she recovered fast.

She wanted to smack him. She opened her beautiful hazel eyes, and he felt the world shift beneath him as gravity caught on his feelings pulling and teasing. With the most desperate looks, he gazed at her with so much happiness, sadness, yearning and love it took Hoor a second to get her breathing back to normal.

With strength, Allah had rewarded her with. She moved her manicured-fingers feeling the same tingly sensation that came from her husband's presence.

"Hoor." He breathed leaning into her, grasping her face in his hands he gazed at her with so much desperation it was hard for him to not just kiss her senseless in love and punishment for being away for so long. Resting his forehead with hers he breathed in and out, calming his emotions. He wanted to be near her in every physical and emotional way he could. "Hoor." He kept saying her name as if it were a prayer itself.

Her eyes shed tears; she could not wipe or stop. With his deep green eyes that swirled as a panicked ocean stared at her hopeful, helpless hazel eyes, her long lashes drenched in a thick coat of wetness. He kissed each eyelid, each tear away, wanting to protect what was his forever.

It was sealed right there.

"I love you, Hoor." He whispered with endearing, unexplainable love. He wasn't good with words and so he let his eyes tell everything and she saw it, she knew it yet she couldn't believe the great rock hard Musa declared his love for her but then again he chose the worst of places to address her. Yet she didn't care because he was right there saying he loved her, he needed her and she couldn't be more than happy. She got everything she ever wanted. With a grateful sigh, she sunk back into her endless brain. If Allah chose this moment to take her away, she wouldn't mind, but she didn't want to put her child and husband in agony. She loved them both with words that could not describe, with letters that could not form a word or sentence.

"Visiting hour-" someone interrupted their moment, startling Musa.

He leaned back into his place but still holding his wife's delicate hand and glared at the intruder, who squirmed under his gaze.

Oh, it's you, I'm sorry sir, but visitors are not allowed in here." She said now sweetly knowing the man in front of her was one to be far away from.

"Do I from any angle look like a visitor to you, sister?" He spat annoyed as she looked from him to the patient then back.

"But sir-" she started not knowing what to say.

"No buts, my wife just started responding to me and I can't leave her side by any chance today. Do me a favor and call the doctor here immediately and while you're at it kindly tell everyone outside to knock before entering." He narrowed his eyes into two serpent slits.

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