21: I'm With You

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"This catastrophic life always has a light in the end. You'll find it, my dear."

"Musa, please say something." I pleaded as I watched him walk back and forth between the small spaces of my room.

He hadn't uttered a single word ever since he went into shock and came out. He had remained so quiet it was like knives cutting through the deafening silence. He kept walking, ignoring my presence completely. A deep frown creased his perfect eyebrows, a thunderous look clashing in his green orbs repeatedly. My heart was beating randomly at the confusion of the things going down with us. Having enough of this silent, angry game I stood in his way making him bump into me quite hard, his rock of a chest hitting me hard moving me completely. Holding onto his forearms to keep me steady and to keep him in place I locked us on spot ready to spout insults at him for being so silent but as soon as my eyes connected with his anguished ones I lost every thought that came to me.

"Please talk to me," I whispered pleadingly.

His inner turmoil killing him. He looked to be madly angry, but he also looked defeated, lost. His hurt could be felt by me, unknowingly my hand reached his heart, his heart drumming slowly than a little fast under my palm. I felt so abashed by this I stood frozen. His gasp at me touching him startled me, waking me up. "Stop hurting, talk to me," I begged, praying he started sharing.

His long fingers circled my wrist, tugging my hand away. I let my hand fall to my side waiting for him to move back, but he stood where he was.

"I want to talk to Abdullah, call him." He finally spoke.

I was just about to ask why when he held a finger up to stop me. I sighed, nodding I left the room in search of Abdullah. As I reached his room I knocked hearing him call me in. He was sitting on his bed, hands clasped together. Earlier this night we were standing in the same room discussing things that weren't supposed to be spoken of, now that was done I was here to fix things.

"How's he holding up?" Abdi asked.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling he's either extremely mad or sad," I replied glumly.

"Well, of course he will be. He just got hit with the fact that his family is monstrous and has betrayed him perfectly well." Abdullah commented in disgust.

"Don't repeat it, I don't want to see him crestfallen again. He's put up a good solid wall." I said impishly. He would not have a heart to heart chat with me anytime soon, anyway.

"You have one hell of a life." He muttered sadly. I smiled, "It's worth it."

He gave me one of his 'you're a crazy girl' look.

"Okay, get up, he's asked for you." I quickly said, remembering what I came for.

He nodded, getting up, following me we reached my room. Peering in I saw Musa's tall figure striding the length of the room in deep concentration, stepping in I cleared my throat grabbing his attention wearily.

He stopped in the middle of the room and as a predator turned on his heel very slowly, making me gulp in thrill or fear I didn't know, it was so natural.

Giving us a steep, dangerous glance, he waited for us to speak. "You asked for Abdullah?" I stated more.

"" He replied now fully awake and with us, he turned his magnificent body towards us and brooded.

"Tell me, Abdullah, for how long have you knew all of this." He spat each word gracefully, his face pinched into disgust, "This wonderful tale?" He asked.

Oh boy! He was Mad!

"Ever since she had returned." He answered truthfully. They talked about me as if I wasn't even there.

Patience & Faith - a journey series #1 |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now