35: Family

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"It's the undying love of our Lord that has us moving, it's His ever wide embrace that has us kneeling."

Knowing I was free of so much responsibility, made me feel like a bird soaring on its own without any worry to see if there was someone behind following her steps. She couldn't ask for more after all of these blessings Allah bestowed on her. I smiled warmly in thought watching my ever handsome husband play with a growing Zahra. I sent a thousand silent thanks whenever I saw my family and business safe and with me. Checking my WhatsApp for any messages my assistant was supposed to send, seeing none I walked over to Musa slowly. I didn't mean to look sensual or in any way seductive at twelve in the noon but by the sudden jerk of his body and carefully guarded eyes as if feeling anything for me in his daughter's presence was taboo itself. My heart swelled on its own at the thought, I enjoyed his strained expression for a while before going the opposite direction. There was a fleeting image of his disappointment and relief flashing across his handsome features but I pretended not to notice. I had a lot of things to do like start a big wedding and even though Seema asked me not to throw a big wedding, I felt she deserved it considering we were all orphans and we only had each other. I had Saaiqa on the go for all of that. She was doing a good job so far in preparing the wedding when suddenly Seema barged into our room with no remorse for doing so. Musa looked so annoyed. He was out to berate her when she looked at them both with the most shocked and thrilled expressions ever. Abdullah ran behind her only to halt in the doorway with a sheepish gaze embarrassed, seeing myself in nothing but only a nightgown something my husband did not approve of Abdullah seeing but much to her relief he had not once lifted his gaze ever since entering the room.

Abdullah tried to pull Seema out but she wouldn't have it. I was so shocked I didn't see the deliberate glare Musa cast my way. Realizing his hot burn I ducked into the walk-in closet and grabbed my robe to cover myself.

"What's the meaning of this Seema?" I could hear him asking trying his best not to get up and slam the door in their face.

Walking out, I strode in the furthest corner of the room not wanting to have the slightest attention on me but Seema had other things in her mind so she fixed her brown eyes on me making me flush with embarrassment. "Hoor, I want a destination wedding!"

Abdullah had backed out ages ago but I still felt bad for him to be in our presence. Seema on the other hand felt no remorse much to my dismay. "What?" I repeated not sure if I heard right mainly because I could not stop feeling my husband's annoyed expression, one could only go as far with him.

"I want to marry outside of Saudi! It's my wedding and all of us need a break anyway!" She exclaimed more forcefully this time.

I looked over at Musa who listened intently. He always considered things before saying something as rash as a 'No'. I knew for a fact that we all could not go, with the situation in Riyadh we could not pack our bags and go to a destination wedding without leaving someone behind and at this moment everyone mattered to be present in the wedding. Seeing the same thought cross over Musa's mind I cleared my throat. "Seema that's a great idea but you do know we all can't go just like that. Certainly, someone has to stay back to look over everything considering everything that has happened. We still don't know the whereabouts of Aleeyah and the stunts Aunt Elif likes to pull." I reasoned seeing her excited face fall suddenly. It hurt me to see her like this. It was her big day. I wanted her to have everything.

"You're right." She mumbled collapsing on the bed not caring Musa jumped away not liking his personal space being invaded. I chewed my bottom lip. Seema wasn't acting herself and that worried me a lot. "What do you suggest then?" She questioned me with hopeful eyes.

I cast a long glance towards Musa, in this he was the only one who could come up with something but even I knew it was near to impossible if he had any slightest idea as to what to do. One person had to remain behind and they were all out of the question, but Hoor could not take her friend's dream of a destination wedding away because of the business either. I bent low to Seema's level as she sat on the bed and squeezed her shoulder, "Give it some thought we might come up with something if not then we will simply find another way to fulfill this dream of yours okay." That was all I could come up with for now. I didn't want to disappoint her for she never voiced what she wanted all her life given she had the freedom to do so.

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