Revive a Sunnah.

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The Prophet (SAW) said,

"For him who holds fast to my sunnah (way of life) is the reward of a hundred martyrs"

Imagine the reward of one matyr, his sins are forgiven even before the blood he has shed falls to the ground. Now multiply that by 100. Wow.

Did you know that something as simple as making Salaam or smiling is considered a Sunnah? And these are habits that come so naturally to us that we do it even without comprehending.

We are taught from a young age, to try and implement as many Sunnah's as we can into our lives. So why is it that as we get older we select which ones are good enough and which are unthinkable?

It has been hard enough for me to accept the concept of being a second wife to Ridwaan... Let alone having to worry about society accepting me.

As a muslim girl in our community, I feel as though this choice has left me without a voice. No one will even listen enough to understand the reason behind my decision.

I tried to find answers, to look for ways to identify with the basis (and success rate) of this lifestyle and what I found was a mixture of healing and horror stories. I made up my mind to stop looking at it in the wrong way and slowly I began to accept it as a Sunnah... hoping that maybe others will too.

I cannot change the way people choose to see this but I hope to be able to change the way they feel about it. From the beginning, this has always been the core reason for starting this blog.

Inshaa allah, with the small changes I have started making in myself and the unwavering belief that Ridwaan has in this way of life, we can slowly but steadily transform the way this Sunnah is perceived.

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