My dearest Ridwaan.

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....Everynight I write these posts in hope that you will read them to me someday when we're (really) old and (still) so happy. Ameen.

With Allah's will, we have come so far. Each amazing moment that I have spent with you has been a gift from Him... and shukr, am I not blessed even when we're apart? For that is when he truly tests me the most.

I would be lying if I told you that my patience hasn't withered a little... But it's true... I feel more like your wife each day... Nikkah would bond us for eternity Ridwaan... But my heart already found a home in yours long before this time.

I am overcome with so much emotion when I think of sharing a life with you. I've had enough time to fully understand what this lifestyle would mean for us... and I am certain that we will fight harder and love eachother stronger because of it.

This yearning in me is like a thirst that can't be quenched. I will only feel whole once I have honoured you in the right way and given you the life that you have always envisioned. I only ask that you do the same for me and continue to give me the love and support that I have always received from you.

I couldn't even begin to tell you what I hold in my heart right now... But I know that these are unspoken words that you already feel and see every time that you are with me.

May Allah always grant us this complete understanding of souls and let our love be one that reflects the same qualities that our Beloved Prophet (SAW) shared with his wives.


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