Made for you. Made for me.

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"Fifty thousand years before the sky was introduced to the sea, Allah wrote down your name next to me..."

I believe that marriage is more than just the coming together of two people. It is a meeting of two souls that were destined to be joined... A bond so beautifully sacred that it was created long before we ever laid eyes on eachother.

Almost as if Allah had made me from parts of you.

"...He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion..." (Surah Al-Rum, verse 30:21)

Somehow I feel as though I always knew he was there. That our souls were linked in a way that was beyond anything either of us could understand. That everytime I felt a sudden spell of happiness or discomfort in my heart, that somewhere, in some way, he was experiencing a joy or sadness and that I was feeling it deep inside me too.

I had no idea that something was missing in my life until it had been filled. Ridwaan has brought so much meaning and purpose into my days that I find it hard to believe that I ever lived without him.

We had been talking about marriage for 14 months now... carefully placing the pieces of the puzzle and giving enough time for each of us to ease the idea into our lives. We are yet to set an example of how this lifestyle can work, and Ridwaan n I are finally ready to let the world in on the love that we've hiding for so long.

The word "love" appears over 90 places in the Quran but interestingly enough the Quran doesn't define the word but rather speaks about the very first consequence of love... committing; that if you truly love, then commit, if you do not commit then your claim of love is not real.

Making our Nikah will be the first (of many) steps in establishing our relationship. It is not only our promise and vow to one another but also to Allah. It will serve as a confirmation to those closest to us that this is the way of life we choose to lead and that we intend on making it every bit as right and real as possible.

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