Eid-un Sa'eed

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Today marks the day of Eid-ul-Adha. The festival of sacrifice.

In Islam, this day coincides with the last day of Haj and commemorates the sacrifice that Ibrahim (AS) made purely for the pleasure of Allah.

(You can read a little more about this day and the significance here :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Adha )

I woke up to an empty house this morning... and it was just another day. I felt that familiar yearning in my heart... the one that makes me want and wish for more.

Usually, nights and weekends are hardest on me... But on special days like this one, being away from him becomes a little too much to bear.

I can't help but feel a little left out this year. It's just me. Ridwaan will be spending Eid with his family. The family I can only hope will understand and accept me someday. I still believe there's a chance that we'll win over their hearts with our love for them and for eachother. (inshaa allah)

I grew up in a small home, with only one younger sister and no other siblings. I've always envisioned marrying into a big family... Ridwaan is one 7 brothers! and on days like today, his home is filled with so much life and laughter that it's hard not to pine for a little piece of that too.

When I first met Ridwaan's family, I was introduced to them as his friend. I instantly fell inlove (with him) and all the amazing people in his life. I found myself wanting to be just as much of a daughter and sister to them as I wished to be a wife and companion to him.

As hard as we're trying to gain the approval and support of society and our small muslim community... none of that matters to me as much as gaining the love and respect of this one family.

It's 8:30 in the morning and I should be sitting around the table dressed in my new abaya having ma's Eid milk. Instead, I'm sitting in bed, still in pajama's, typing out this post ...

Its moments like this one that makes me want to try harder, to keep pushing forward... to never give up or give in. I believe that any effort made to attain something beautiful is never lost...

Today marks the day of Eid-ul-Adha. The festival of sacrifice.

We're all sacrificing something today,

in my case, it's the feeling of family.

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