Chapter two

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Two years later...

Walking through the city, it was dead silent apart from the harsh winds blowing through. My face was covered completely with a bandana and a beanie leaving my eyes free to see. Underneath my tights, my calves were throbbing and my feet were pulsating with pain. But with each step I took I knew that I could do it. Every day I walked around twenty miles whether it was windy, freezing, raining or blazing under the sun. It was worse in the summer when the blistering heat bared down my neck, either burning my skin or sweating through all of my clothes. More heat also meant more water which almost more pit stops. 

As I entered a small town, I could see that the shops were still full of stock and products meaning they hadn't been raided yet. My stomach grumbled painfully, my last bit of rations simply jerky which I was so sick of. The idea of eating something different was enough to force my legs to keep me moving with renewed energy. Most of the cities that I had travelled through had been trashed, cleared out of anything useful which was always soul-crushing after a long day of walking. 

Back home, there were always rumours circulating about 'zombified' humans living in the quarantined zones and that they were rotting with diseases trying to infect our cities. However, my father had been right. The cities were still filled with people who were on the verge of dying, but they weren't infected, diseased or even sick. They were just normal humans. In the distance, I once saw an old traditional car driving through the dunes heading north away from me and I just stared, fighting the urge to cry out. 

The lack of human contact was slowly driving me insane. I had already begun to talk to myself and makeup scenarios of what I would do if I did see another human. I had a plan that I would call out for help, begging them to save me. I had dreams sometimes that I would walk into a hotel and find humans just living out their days and I would be welcomed with open arms, providing me food, warmth, shelter and protection; but the best thing, the thing I dreamed about the most was that I would finally not be alone anymore. 

Of course, it was all a fantasy because even though I thought I saw humans driving out of town, I had no idea if that was my imagination or worse, the Golik trying to find any humans who had run away. 

Looking around I squinted in the distance and for miles, all I could see was winds beating against the land. I could make out a skinny twister forming a little way away and I knew I needed to find shelter quickly. The one thing I had not been prepared for when I left with my brothers two years ago was how the climate could be incredibly hostile and unpredictable. It wasn't as if I could look up the forecast in my area so I had to learn as I could, spending many nights huddled, praying I wouldn't be hurt or worst. 

Groaning with exhaustion and I ducked into the first shop I saw before barricading the door as best I could. I moved quickly, ignoring the urge to collapse under the weight of my heavy pack. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I removed my beanie, continuing to work slowly but methodically. I needed it to be strong enough to survive a sandstorm but also easy enough to get through if something came attacking. It was a delicate process but I worked at it, ignoring all the pain in my body.

After minutes of hard work, I made sure it was all secured before finally looking around the store. It seemed like a small clothing store, most of the clothes being eaten up with small holes in them but most of the clothes had survived. 

Moving through the store slowly, I examined their winter gear and the nicer clothes as the wind outside began to pick up. The windows began to rattle and shake from the force and I sighed throwing down my camping pack on the ground. I stretched, rotating my body slowly letting my muscles pop and my bones crack taking a few deep breaths before slowly sitting down. I felt my feet pulse and ache through my shoes finally being able to rest. 

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