Chapter thirteen

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"Olive Simpson, you open the door right now or I'll break the door down!" Eli roared the next morning and I shot up out of bed, groaning in pain clutching my ribs. My eyes were heavy and burning with lack of sleep and my entire body seemed to radiate pain. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to hide Michael forever in my room but I didn't think people would find out so quickly. Swinging my legs out of bed I tried to fight a yawn I hoped that Ryan and Reece didn't get in trouble for my actions. It's not like they knew what I was doing, I just suggested that Ryan go to bed and leave Michael in my care. Turning to the floor, I sighed softly seeing Michael laying peacefully in the little makeshift bed we made for him last night. I had pushed it right beside my bed and there had been a moment I wanted to ask him to just share the bed with me, but I held my tongue. I'd offered him the bed out of polite instinct but Michael had smirked at me knowing that I didn't want to give it up. 

Stepping over him carefully and slowly putting my sling on, I moved to the door and swung it open. Eli and Duke stood in front of me and I put my finger to my lips frowning at them both though neither of them looked impressed.

"Do you have any idea what time it is? Seriously, I don't have my watch and it's dark in my room-" I tried to tease quietly but Eli looked ready to burst a blood vessel. 

"If you think-!" I hushed him sternly shaking my head as I leant against the door, my eyes barely open and he sighed harshly before continuing more quietly, "If you think you can talk your way out of this Olive you-"

"You guys need to relax honestly. Michael helped me last night and I didn't fancy letting him sleep in a room without a bed and with shit everywhere. He is right there see?" I opened the door just enough to show him sleeping on the floor not having moved a muscle, despite the shouting and banging from Eli.

"Hunt isn't impressed Olive, you know he wanted him kept under lock and key until he had sorted things out with everyone. You have to learn to not just do things without going through the proper authorities." Duke chided at me and I sighed stepping forward to close the door softly behind me. 

"Look, it was late at night and no one saw us. I'm sure people know now because you all probably made a huge fuss over it all. I'll speak to Hunt but until he is given a room, I think it would be best if he stayed with me. Oh," I gestured to my sling and the bandages over my body, "I'll be out of commission for six weeks, doctor's orders. Michael can help me around and it'll keep both of us busy." Eli seemed to finally register that I was in a blood sling and his anger melted away instantly to genuine concern. 

"Wait, what happened? I thought you said she was fine," he turned accusingly at Duke who looked just as confused. 

"Cracked ribs and cuts with bruising. My hands were cut up by the glass but I'll be fine. I've got some medication from Francine but I'll be utterly useless for the next two months." I shrugged with my good arm and Eli sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Duke however looked deep in thought nodding slowly as I spoke. 

"Okay... Well, there is going to be a huge meeting today in the upper levels. Do not bring Michael," Duke spoke sternly and I nodded, watching him breathe out shaking his head in disbelief. "I'll... I'll speak to the general. But Michael will be under your responsibility Olive. If he fucks up, it falls on you got it?"

"Done." I nodded cheerily and Duke shook his head before turning to walk back to the elevator. "Thanks, Duke!" I called out to him and he waved his hand over his head without turning back. Turning back to Eli I faked a yawn with a mischievous grin to my brother, "Well I'm going to go get some rest. See you later," and without letting him get a chance, I slipped back into my room and locked the door for good measure. 

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