Chapter nineteen

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The moment I stepped outside the bright sun blinded me for a second and in that one-second screams of terror was all I knew. The sounds of gun and laser fire were a loud reminder of what was happening as explosion after explosion took place. As my eyes adjusted, I saw the once clean and empty streets field with turned over vehicles, a fallen statue and shell casings. The floor was scattered with bodies, both on our side and theirs and for a moment, my only thought was of Ollie.

Tearing away from Michael's side I raced through the crowd of people, ducking and weaving through until I saw Robin.

"Robin!" I breathed out harshly as I tried to catch my breath and he looked at me alarmed.

"What's wrong?"

"Where is Ollie?"

"Right there." He pointing over my shoulder and I turned to see Ollie lying on top of a vehicle loading up a machine gun. Sighing with relief, I saw Sarah who had spotted Michael and I moving in on our position.

"Good work you two, now we need to start moving forward or this battle will be over before we know it," She yelled at me to get over the loud noise, "We need to get into the prisoners and weapons building so we can cut off their ammunition."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded before looking at Michael, "You ready?"


Drawing our weapons we moved to the front line with ease, Ezra and Robin following close behind, keeping our heads down as we weaved through the crowd and debris coming flying from the buildings. Glass was practically falling from the sky as the Golik began shooting everywhere they could. There were so many people on the front line, I was secretly grateful because this way we could actually make an impact. My heart was pounding in my chest as the adrenaline began to pump through me. My hands steadied with the guns in my hand and suddenly I everything was happening in slow motion, as though I was slowing everything down.

"We go on my mark." I shouted and everyone on the front line looked at me nervously as I waited for a gap in the firing line, "Ready, three, two, one! GO!"

Jumping over the barracked, I sprinted forward colliding straight into a Golik. Shooting three-times into it's chest, I held him up using him as a shield before running forward. Behind me, I could hear the roar of the human's as they charged forward in their assault. Throwing the dead Golik, I raced forward shooting every Golik in sight. From behind me, I heard a disgusting curling noise and looking over my shoulder I saw Michael's hand in a Golik's throat, blue blood pouring out like a tap as they tried to breathe.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my torso and I fell hard onto the floor, my head colliding with the floor as the wind knocked out of my lungs. My vision was suddenly blurry and I tried to clear them but not in time for a fist to connect with my temple. Pain exploded into my left cheekbone and I cried out before blocking the next fist flying towards my face. Tensing my arms, I grunted as I tried to keep them there but this Golik was so strong and on his face he knew he was strong.

One minute the weight of his body was crushing me, the next he was gone. I sat up quickly picking up my weapon just in time to see Michael snap his neck. I inhaled sharply with shock before shaking my head, reminding myself that this was war.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked as I got to my feet, his fingers caressing my left cheek which was swelling at an alarming rate. Shaking my head, I pulled his hand away from my face knowing this was not the time to be worrying. We would do that after the battle when we had won.

As everyone kept moving up, covering more ground, I saw from behind that Sarah had gathered a few of the leaders into a small circle behind a fallen truck. Running over to them I saw Robin, James and his lieutenants that I'd met were gathered around.

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