Chapter seventeen

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The blood drained from my face as all the eyes in the room turned to me all in confusion. I wanted to so badly to deny it but what was the point. From the smug look on Katie's scrunched up face, the papers in her hand were my medical records she had taken from my room. I felt like I was going to be sick as I turned to see Ollie staring at me with a bit of horror in his face.

A pin drop could have been heard in the room as no one dared say a word.

"I have all the proof you need sir." Katie grinned happily as she handed the papers over and I felt like the noose was beginning to tighten around my throat. Michael, thinking along the same line, slowly moved in front of me his arm shielding me from anyone who dared to try attack me.

The general, who was calm and collective as ever, put his glasses on and began reading through my records. He nodded every now and again and for a moment he almost looked a little shock before taking his glasses off again. He turned to me and gestured me forward towards the stadium which I didn't refuse.

I felt like each step away from Michael was a greater possibility that I was about to be shot or stabbed. I didn't dare look at any of the people in the room for genuine fear that someone would shoot me. I walked onto the stage and stood in front of the general who all but smiled at me. My heart was racing and I saw a flicker over his shoulder. Looking behind him, I saw both Reece and Ryan standing there relaxed leaning against a wall. I knew why Reece was calm, he'd known but thankfully kept my secret but the way Ryan looked, I found it odd. He suddenly winked at me, smiling at me and I felt like he knew something I didn't as the general cleared his throat for my attention.

"Olive, are you a halfling?" he asked me into the microphone and I swallowed hard, clenching my fists so that I didn't shake visibly.

Moving forward to the microphone, I whispered "Yes." A single word that made the entire room breaks out into gasps of shock and horror.

"But yet you were born, conceived by two humans... how is this possible?" the general inquired, though the way he spoke he made it sound like he knew the answer. Frowning, I sighed clearing my throat.

"Doctor Miles and I believe that when I was younger, I got very sick. We figured it was bad enough for my dad, who was a leading scientist at the time to experiment on me... to mix my DNA with Golik just enough to heal me. My condition improved in a matter of weeks and within months, I was a completely different person. Since then I have never been sick, we've discovered that my body heals at a faster rate, as fast as Michael heals... My father didn't want to see his daughter die and honestly, I can't blame him for doing what he did. It's just a question of how far would you go to save your child? I'm human... but I have Golik DNA running through me. That is the only different between you and I. But I am not a spy and neither is Michael. I think we've proven that time and time again and we will continue to prove it if need be." my voice remained calm and steady. I didn't panic when I spoke and no one had suddenly jumped up screaming for me to be killed. They all listened to my story and I was thankful. Though I shouldn't have I added, "If anyone has a problem with Michael and me... we will leave here and never return."

All eyes were on me, people who I had come to know and fight alongside. People who I genuinely cared about stared back at me as I waited for them to decide whether or not they would accept not one but two monsters into their midst.

It felt like Michael and I were two wolves dressed in sheep's clothing and we had just shed our costumes.

The general placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him, his smile never wavering, "You are welcome to stay here because in my opinion nothing has changed."



Katie and I both asked though she hissed it at the general her eyes wide with shock and he raised his hand at both of us.

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