Chapter fifteen

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Coming down into the light I couldn't help but feel a little surprised at how many people were down here willing to fight. It shouldn't have surprised me seeing as I hadn't been here long enough to know their protocols, but it was almost a sense of relief that there were others willing to fight. Amongst them were a lot of familiar faces, the remaining Tremors who looked so excited that they were bouncing on their feet. Lydia was standing with Ryan and Reece who were beginning to load up the four Jeeps. I was a little surprised to see Josh and Katie with her twin Craig scolding at us from the corner, but I kept walking with Michael in tow.

As we walked towards our friends, I noticed people were looking my direction, their eyes on me everywhere I moved. Shaking the feeling off, I dumped the bag of rags as Ryan jumped off the Jeep and nodded in thanks.

"Listen up everyone!" he called out and most people stopped and listened, "We don't have a lot of time. We've got a bag of rags that we need you to cover your faces with. This way they can assume what they want. Don't let them see your faces, okay?" everyone nodded, "Grab your some clothes and weapon up, we leave in two."

Before wrapping the cloth around my head, covering my mouth and nose, I crouched into the floor and grabbed a fist full of dirt. Closing my mouth, I smothered the dirt onto my clothes and my arms so that I looked dirty. I did this with my hair and face. All eyes were on me at this point, even Ryan was looking at me with concern.

"Want to look like wildlings don't we? Can't be going with clean clothes faces." I spoke matter factly and Reece nodded, bending over and doing the same. Soon everyone was covering themselves in dirt.

Watching Michael, he seemed confused and I bent down and scooped up two handfuls. Looking at him for permission, I made short work of his clean clothes and sprinkles dirt into his hair. He scrunched his nose up to the dirt and I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped my mouth as he sneezed.

I tied my hair up at the top of my head and began to re-braid it as I waited on the Jeep. I checked my gun to make sure it was all working before strapping my knives on my belt and boots.

Before I had left the room I had demanded that Michael and Ollie wait for me to get changed into my proper clothes. I always wore tights, however, I grabbed my leather boots that were covered with blood and mud. I also grabbed my bulletproof vest, putting a long sleeve underneath it.

Ollie had said that people might ask why I got to wear one and they didn't. He was worried that someone would get pissed off by it. I told him that if anyone asked me I would say it was mine when I was on the outs. Not that they couldn't tell. The blood smears alone told a story, not to mention my dodgey patch up jobs.

"Can you stay here?" Michael asked nervously as he sat next to me as I finished my braid. I narrowed my eyes at him, as I began to rotate my bad arm, which was still tender and he sighed, as he began giving his weapons a once over. "I won't be able to help myself, Olive. I will protect you," he said with earnest and I fought the urge to scream at him that I didn't need protection.

He couldn't help it and I took that to account, "Please try, I wouldn't know what I would do with myself if you..." I let my sentence hang as an easy feeling sat in my stomach.

"We all ready?" Ryan asked as the final stragglers walked onto the Jeeps, "Let's move."

I was sort of surprised at how Ryan took charge, though I guess I shouldn't be. The leaders were clearly men in the Delta force and while they were away someone had to lead the troops in case of a war or fight. He seemed confident in a leadership role and he certainly thrives in it.

As we rolled out through the dark caves, I marvelled at the construction and contingency thinking of the general. The caves were empty except for a few lights that were dim just enough to lead someone in or out of the cave, the headlights of the cars doing most of the work. They were being held by only bits of wood which kept its structure as they continued to build on top of it. It was remarkable and I was in awe of their brilliance. The tunnel seemed never ending and my heart began to thump with anticipation as Ryan called for us to cover up.

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