Chapter eleven

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The tension in the back of the van was so thick, it was almost hard to breathe. It felt like if anyone breathed in the wrong way, guns would be drawn. In the back of the van, Eli sat by my side bandaging up my arm a little too tightly causing me to wince every so often. Jon sat on my other side looking bored, yawning so often clearly unaffected by the growing suspense. Spencer had been kicked to the back of the van while Duke and Frankie spoke quietly to each other, the engine drowning out their concerning words. They had decided to keep the motorbike behind in the truck making it a bit of a tight fit with us. Robin seemed not bothered, just rummaging through the massive pack and humming out of tune to himself while Ezra tapped his foot staring at the ceiling, his brow furrowed on his face clearly deep in thought.

Michael just stared at me with deep unease, his gaze filtering down to my arm whenever I jumped or winced. We were so close to each other, so close if I stretched my leg out I would be able to touch his. The hairs on the back of my neck seemed to stand and my heart beat so powerfully against my chest, I felt like I was going to throw up. The pressure in my head had subsided but it was enough to scare me. I felt hot all over my body like I had a fever but Eli didn't say anything as he brushed against my skin. 

How had I known his name? What is happening to me? Prior to those moments, he had never divulged who he was and I had never asked. It had felt like something inside my brain had been forced open and when I had tried to fight it, it had tried to collapse my mind. I had so many questions for him, so many things I had to know but I needed to get him alone which I knew was going to be an uphill battle. 

"We're approaching," Frankie called, her voice breaking the silence and I began to sit up. Ezra mumbled something to Robin and from the corner of my eye, I saw him lock up his pack putting it over his shoulder. We entered the darkness of the tunnel as the rest of us collected our things, though Michael remained still staring at the cuffs around his wrists. The thought of him in cuffs made bile build in my stomach but I knew better to keep my mouth shut.

The van rolled to a stop, Duke cranking the brakes and the back doors opened to a large group of people who immediately took steps back upon seeing the Tremor brothers. I got to my feet looking to help Michael but Eli grabbed my uninjured arm and hoisted me out of the van. I frowned at him but he shook his head glaring right back at me. Jon stepped out first before he put his large hands around my waist and picked me up, placing me down gently like I weighed nothing. 

I blinked smiling at him but before I could give my thanks a body hit my from the side causing me to hiss in pain. "Olive! You're finally back! When Reece and Ryan came back I got worried but I knew you were safe with Eli but still- What happened to your arm? Ah sorry, sorry!" He let go but he beamed bouncing on his toes. 

"You're just as bad as Eli," I ruffled his hair with my hand, his hand smacking mine away with a grin. "It's just a flesh wound, don't worry. Though I'd like to see a doctor, Eli made it very tight." I murmured Ezra and Robin moving to stand beside me, looking around very unimpressed. The crowd seemed to go quiet as they stared. "It's far more impressed inside the Chambers," I muttered to Ezra who snorted. 

"These are the Tremor brothers who have decided to come... Check us out I suppose. Give them some space guys," Duke called out as he rounded to the back, his weapon at his side. Frankie had grabbed her shotgun, an angry scowl on her face. Her entire body was filled with tension, her jaw locked as she stared into the van. 

"Everyone gets the fuck back alright? We've got a prisoner and we need space," Frankie yelled out and the entire tunnel went quiet as the chains began to rattle on Michael's chains. "Move slowly or I'll put a bullet through your torso," Frankie warned, her eyes glancing at me but Eli had already put his hands on my shoulders dragging me back. 

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