Chapter ten

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We didn't say a word as we travelled in the transporter, both of us being shoved into a small glass prisoner of a similar make as the ones we had found with the humans inside of it. Spencer and I huddled together letting them spit, swear and curse at us. I wished the fear I was feeling was fake, that I was just a really good actor but the cold sweat, the clammy palms and the mild hyperventilation I was exhibiting were all real. 

A Golik who stood before we introduced himself as Grelnal Cakkop seemed so excited by the fact we'd been caught that he stood in front of us the entire trip back. He called us loads of names, prisoner, inmate, criminals... I wanted to talk back, to be a smartass and tell him where to shove it but the laser cannon strapped onto his back kept me quiet. 

The transporter began to slow down, descending into the city and I felt like I was going to throw up, my hands starting to shake as my knee bounced up and down. Spencer gripped my hand to try to steady me but I only noticed how sweaty my palms were compared to his. 

"You should be nervous, this is where your life begins and ends." Grelnal Cakkop smirked at us his face so close to the glass I could see breath against the glass. "Only person has ever broken out of here and they were shot three hundred feet from the door." 

The transport landed with a soft wheeze and the hatch opened slowly, the glaring sun blazing down as they opened the door to our cage. A Golik gripped my bicep, tearing me away from Spencer who just kept murmuring it was going to be okay and we were dragged into the sun. I squinted trying to gain my surroundings but everything happened so quickly that I could barely get my bearings. 

We were rushed into the main buildings and every part of me wanted to turn and look towards the rooftops that I knew Eli would be on. Another part of me wanted to look out for the hybrid, hoping he was here and hoping he would come to find me and... do what? I thought harshly as I kept my head down trying to focus. Entering one of the buildings the coolness of the building made me relax as the Golik holding my arm looked around, dragging me towards what appeared to be a processing station. Sitting behind a desk was a Golik tapping quickly on a computer looking bored out of their mind. When I approached she sighed standing up and coming around the other side. 

"Arms up and legs spread," she droned and I did as she said instantly. The wand brushed over every part of my body and when it moved past my chest I sighed softly, keeping utterly still. She did another once over before she nodded satisfied, placing the wand down on her desk. Around me, four Goliks were standing watching with their weapons in their hands. She reached for a grey tub handing it over to me, I wondered how this had gone yesterday with those three guys. Though to be fair, she had already been in their jumpsuits, perhaps they were just moving from them to another facility. 

"You listening?" I blinked shaking my head and she sighed, "Please remove all clothing into the basket over there. New clothes will be provided for you with your number on it." She recited again annoyed and I blinked looking at the tub in my hands.

"Even... my shoes?" 

"Yes. You will be provided with new shoes more suitable to the environment." She frowned at me eyeing my boots. "Will that be a problem?" 

"Ah yeah. I... Ahhh," I looked to Spencer who was staring at me oddly and I felt the entire room seemingly descend upon me. Just do it, just say it, who cares- "I have a foot fungal problem that causes bad foot odour. Canvas shoes will mean that... The smell-" The clerk took a giant step away from me and I felt the Goliks behind me gag, calling me disgusting and foul. My entire face went bright red closing my eyes with complete shame. 

"Yep fine whatever, go. Behind the curtain." She spoke quickly not breathing in my direction and I sighed walking around the corner. Fucking foot odour... I thought mortified as I got changed quickly, careful not to knock the lockpick that was sewn into my bra. The jumpsuits were baggy, especially with only a singlet underneath. I could feel the scratchy material brushing against my skin and I knew that this had been by design. Joining back up with Spencer who was holding back laughter at my flushed face, we were handcuffed and taken up an elevator. I guess the one saving grace from my on-the-fly thinking was that none of the Golik guards wanted to stand too close to me, lest they fucking catch my fungal through leather boots. But it meant that no one was breathing down my neck, giving me a chance to look around. We went up two levels and when the doors open I swallowed tightly. 

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