Chapter eighteen

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The following day, during the early hours of the morning, the Georgia group arrived. Although they were a welcome sight to the cause, they did not take kindly to Michael. After explaining what he was, they distanced themselves from him paying him no mind which suited him just fine. The entire day was spent preparing for the attack on the city. Michael's name was thrown around, people considering using him in the battle which sparked a debate, most of the Georgia group raising their concerns. Duke and Frankie were fighting for his cause, saying that out of everyone he was the best person to get in and out without being busted.

I wasn't allowed in the meetings so I spent most the day trying to avoid James who seemed to want my constant attention and look around trying not to get lost. Michael apparently was still being hounded by the women of the Kansas group which he was annoyed about. Ollie, who I hadn't spoken to since our little spat, had finally cornered me and begged me to forgive him which I had much to his relief. I wasn't much for holding grudges, with everything going so I decided that as much as he did hurt my feelings put it behind us and focus on the future.

It wasn't until that afternoon when after hours of deliberation, they had finally come up with a strategic plan to take down the city. We were all called into their cafeteria as it was the only room that would hold all of those who were choosing to fight. Michael rushed to my side, closely followed by Robin who was looking over his shoulder, glaring at the female entourage that was following Michael.

"I hate them." Robin huffed as he sat next to me with his arms crossed. "All they do is giggle and blush. Why can't more women be like you?" Robin shook his head and for a moment I swear I heard longing in his voice but when I gave him a knowing look, he remained silent. Michael's fingers intertwined with mine and I grinned at him as I leaned on his shoulder. I sighed as Ollie sat in front of me, his beautiful brown curls reminded her of a simpler time when the worst thing she had to think about was what to wear on her date on Friday night.

How times have changed.

"I'll keep this short and brief." Sarah burst into the room like a tornado while the main leaders for the attack stood at the front; Frankie and Duke among them, along from Captain James from Colorado and a couple from the Georgia group. "For those who haven't met me, I'm Major Whiteman. Tomorrow we will take down the biggest inhabit the Golik have dared to set up since their first wave. If we have any chance of stopping them, we can not afford to let them set up here. Lieutenant General Duke please."

"The first wave of our attack will come from a small group that will use the stolen convey trucks to drive to the gate and request entrance." Everyone began to speak out but Duke continued raising his voice, "Many of you already know that among us is a halfling. I personally can vouch for him and with his help, we will get through the gate undetected as we will be pretending as prisoners." At this point, Duke walked behind him and held up a massive poster that looked like building plans and with James' help they kept them up as Frankie stepped up.

"Once we have gone into the prisoners sector," she pointed on the map as she spoke, "We will begin to be 'unloaded' and sorted into the building. Once we are in, with the help of a hacker we will set off a code black which is a complete evacuation. With everyone filing out into the streets, the rest of the party will ram the gates and begin our invasion."

There were cheers and claps to this and some even began making weird chants but they died quickly underneath Sarah's intense glare.

"From then on, watch each other's backs. Don't be a hero and remember who the enemy is."

That night when it was dead quiet, Michael and I found ourselves unable to sleep. Curled into one small cot, we pressed our bodies together to keep warm. With no induced heating, I'd been spoilt back home and thanks to his increased heartbeat he was a bit warmer than I was. Even though he hadn't said a word since our last night at the Chambers I knew Michael well enough that he was worried about tomorrow.

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