Chapter four

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"Go on, get it," I called throwing the ball for Hercules, patrolling down Hollywood Boulevard under the blazing sun. I rolled my neck, shifting the weight of the shotgun heavily against my shoulder, almost cutting into my skin, as I watched Hercules sprint down the road, his tongue hanging out happily. 

It had been a couple of days since I had broken down and I had woken up feeling more refreshed, my soul almost renewed with purpose. I think coming to the realisation that my family would have understood seemed to help my mental health and with constant self-assurance that I had done the right thing, I had been able to live more comfortably. I still got nightmares of Mark trying to hurt me, but I knew I would be okay. I was stronger than I believed and was living proof of that. However, just because I was getting better doesn't mean I had time to relax. 

It would only be a matter of time until the Goliks would find Mark and John's bodies, access the chips within them and replay what happened. Once they realise that someone was roaming around, I'm sure they'll come to rectify the situation. 

So I had to be prepared. 

So I began to research and found out that within California alone, there were thirty-two military bases and five hundred and nine law enforcement agencies. That meant more firepower than I could ever dream to have at my disposal. If I was going to be hunted, I'd make sure I would go out swinging. I was done being weak, scared and waiting to be captured and brought back. I may not be able to take out an entire fleet of Golik and humans, however, I'd take as many of them as I can before I go. 

Food and water for both Hercules and I were almost in abundance, the state used to hold nearly forty million people so it was something I didn't need to worry about. There wasn't a panic now that I would run out and have to starve, making me weak and defenceless. This is how I decided to state in California, though I didn't stay within the same city and town for too long and always made sure to wash down any evidence of my presence. 

With nothing to do during the day, I had started working out realising that walking more or less for two years had been a benefit to my body. Now with constant food and water, my body had hardened and gotten stronger than I had ever been in my entire life. I didn't jiggle in all the places I hated and instead had actual muscle beginning to form, filling out slowly but surely.

Walking through the empty streets, my eyes darting around, a chill of cold air washing over me. Even though the sun was blazing over me, sweat trickling down the back of my neck, it was beginning to get colder here. It was hard to tell the months so I could only go by the weather to attempt to predict the seasons. Although in Los Angeles it was hard to tell the sun was always shining. However as the afternoon rolled around, dark clouds began to roll over the city as I wrapped my arms around myself checking around the area. 

From the distance I could hear Hercules' barks echoing through the streets, his barks echoing throughout the empty streets although I couldn't see him. Knowing I didn't have the strength to throw the ball that far, I frowned placing my hands on my shotgun, "Hercules! C'mere boy." I whistled loudly as I walked forward, following his barks. I pulled the shotgun off my shoulder, holding it in my hands as I rolled my shoulders, my skin feeling electric as I felt the heavy weight of the gun. I kept my pace steady as I moved throughout the city. 

Suddenly from behind a building Hercules' ball came flying across the road and a moment later, Hercules came sprinting after it happily. I froze in my tracks, my jaw tightening as I raised my gun steadying my breathing as I moved quickly to the building it had been thrown from. Leaning against the cool stone, inhaling through my nose harshly, tightening my grip on the gun before I rounded the corner with my gun raised. 

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