Chapter six

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The next few days were... rough to say the least. Everywhere I went I was stared at though whether it was good or bad, I couldn't be sure. There were some who glared and others who seemed strangely hopeful which confused me even more. When I had spoken to Ollie about it, he had simply shrugged and said nonchalantly, "You defied all the odds, they see you as a beacon of hope for those they think are lost out there."

I hadn't really understood but I just kept my head down as best as I could. It got progressively harder when people come up to me to ask me about my story, some wanting to know every detail others seemingly not convinced I hadn't had some sort of help. 

I had finally been assigned my own room, most filled with the bare necessities that I needed and before I could even finish setting up everything (finally getting some goddamn peace and quiet) Josh had found me, wanting to give me a proper tour of the entire facilities. I had lost Ollie and Eli during the move, both seemingly having jobs that they needed to attend to so I had shrugged, agreeing though I instantly regretted it. 

Heading to the lowest level, which was the kitchen, dining and laundry area, it was filled to the brim of people and it was the first instance I got a grasp of just how many people were living in the Chambers. 

"It's like you're a celebrity," Josh whispered as we walked, his lip brushing against my ear softly and my body did something so odd. I knew that my instinctive reaction, how I would have normally would have reacted, would have been to giggle feeling all tingly and giddy. But my body seemed to shove that aside, finding it intrusive and frankly irritating. 

He felt the need to remind me where his room was a few times ('Level 3, Room 23... Come by any time') and each time he would wink at me. If he thought he was getting any, he would be sadly mistaken. I felt ill whenever he would throw his arm around my shoulders or brush up against my hand to hold it. Again back in the day, Josh and I had been physically intimate together and I had loved it but even the thought of the two of us like that again made me so unbelievably uncomfortable. 

But what disturbed me more was that each time he touched me, a flash of blue eyes would appear behind my eyes always causing a soft shiver through my body. When Josh flicked his hair, I would see flashes of glossy black hair that looked softer than hair should be. All of these feelings made my head ached and I wondered if there was something wrong. I tried to chalk it up to the interaction being entirely odd itself but I inhaled deeply, shoving it all aside. 

Josh showed me the daycare and when I heard all the children inside of it, I stepped back shaking my head at him. "What's wrong?" He asked tilting his head and again, I wasn't seeing him, I was seeing that... man. Something was definitely wrong with me, I needed...

"I need to go find my brothers, sorry. I'll... come and find you later okay?" but before he could offer any help, his hand seemed to have his hand outstretched, I turned and walked away heading for the stairs. 

I didn't need my brothers, in fact, what I wanted and needed was to be alone. I could feel the walls closing in on me and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. Rushing to my room, I threw on a jacket, and my old dusty boots before throwing on my holster and handgun. My chest was tightening as I moved quickly and by the time I made it to the elevator, I could feel lightheadedness taking over. The cold metal helped settle my nerves, a shiver rushing through me as I tapped my boot on the floor eager to feel the sun, fresh air and to be surrounded by silence. 

Hercules remained with the guards on the surface level so he could stretch his legs and not shit in the hallways. The guards had always offered to throw the ball for him and play with him which had been a big relief. Heading down the hall, I could hear people mucking around with Hercules and hear his happy barks echoing throughout the hall. 

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