Chapter nine

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Twenty. Seven. Hours.

That was how long I had been stuck in the back of a van that was obviously overfilled with people. My legs were cramping like never before and the thick air was heavy with an array of smells of all ranges possible from the human body. Honestly thinking about what I was smelling and breathing made me visibly ill. I was sandwiched between Eli and Duke who had his eyes closed tight trying to keep calm and still beside me. 

The entire Chicago group had taken it upon themselves to throw question after question at me utterly fascinated with my story and how I survived. Most of the questions were kind if not a little intrusive. But some seemed to want to be assholes about the whole situation. It all came down to the fact they couldn't believe that not a single human had seen me and the Goliks had never taken notice of me. There was even a moment when the conversation shifted to whether or not I could be Seeker, sent to infiltrate.

"How the fuck would I get messages back to them? Better yet, how would they even know where to drop me off? Because if they knew where you guys were hiding out, why not just send in a fleet to take you out themselves or bomb the place?" I had snapped back, venom in my voice which had quelled those trains of thought. 

Duke and Frankie came to my defence as well, more insulted at the fact that the Chicago group believed they could be duped by little old me. Spencer, by some miracle, had fallen asleep most of the journey, his head resting against someone's shoulder from the other group. Eli had been quiet, his eyes closed as he rocked to the motion of the van. Every so often I would feel his eyes on me but when I tried to meet his gaze, he would look away closing his eyes again.

We hadn't had a moment to speak to each other meaning he hadn't asked me about what had happened with the hybrid man. It left me on pins and needles, worried about his reaction and hoping I could catch him in private before he told Duke and the others; especially around the Chicago group. I tried to imagine if the roles were reversed, how I would have reacted in the same situation. 

Honestly, I wasn't even sure how I was going to explain the situation because I didn't understand it myself. I had no trouble killing Golik when I was threatened, I could even live with watching hundreds burn alive. But I couldn't hurt him, not him. 

The photo he had given me, by accident or on purpose, was heavy in my back pocket. I wanted to take it out, to look at it and almost transport myself into the memory of that day but I knew with all the questions and eyes on me, it wouldn't exactly help my case. 

Duke and Frankie had planned to head back to the Chambers, to settle all the patients before going to Chicago in a day, perhaps even bringing more people with us. But they hadn't counted on the group heading to meet us so Duke made a split decision to head straight back with them. All the patients were moved onto the trucks with ease, except Lydia who had latched herself onto me. 

She'd begged and pleaded with us to let us go, saying she could be of some help and that she was scared to go with the others. I reassured her she would be completely safe with Reece and Ryan and promised that once I had returned, I would come to find her. 

"Ask for my brother, Ollie. He is lovely, very kind and he'll help you if you're nervous. But for now, you need to get going, Lydia." I smiled sadly and after a few moments, she relented nodding as she got in with the others. 

Reece and Ryan were sent back with the other driver who had met us, someone I didn't know, and although Ryan wasn't happy with it, he hadn't kicked up a fuss. Reece even gave me a quick hug wishing me luck before we watched them drive off heading back to the Chambers. 

"We're coming into base," Bishop called out and there was a general sigh of relief throughout the van. Although the conversation had distracted me from the smell, it didn't help with the stiffness that found in my body. 

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