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It's a warm morning. The sheets are damp with my sweat and I feel mentally and physically exhausted. My muscles feels worn and tight; it's a miracle that I slept at all considering the way I feel at the moment. I must've had a nightmare since I woke so abruptly, but I can't remember what it was about.

It probably wasn't important if I can't remember it, though, but maybe I don't want to. The light is shining brightly in the room. I don't want to open my eyes because then I'd have to get up and face the day ahead. It's Sunday, and while it is the day of rest for most, it is the day of nonstop chores for me. Mom is probably going to freak if I lay in bed any longer. I'm surprised that she hasn't come banging in my door already.

I sigh as I nuzzle into my pillow deeper. I just want to sleep and never wake up. But for some reason, I just can't find sleep again. Just when it is in my grasp, it runs even farther away.

Since I'm just wasting my time right now, I might as well get up and get to work on my chores. I start to sit up but find I can't. Something is wrapped over my waist holding me in place. What the...?

My eyes shoot open. This isn't my bedroom. It doesn't have the light blue wall or the silky white bed sheets. It doesn't have the huge bay window that looks out over the street. The wardrobes are not white and covered with pictures, and most importantly, that is not my arm draped around my own waist.

Without thinking, I let out an ear piercing scream. There is some rustling in the sheets next to me.

A guy shoots up. His brown hair is all messy from the tangle of sheets he was in and he is wearing a white t-shirt. His bright blue eyes looked startled and alert, almost protective. "Is everything okay?" He asks quickly scanning the room.

Then I remember, the nightmare I was having wasn't a nightmare, it's what happened to me yesterday, oh gosh.

"No," I quickly say as I run a hand through my knotted hair. Then I realize something that is quite disturbing and unsettling: he was laying in bed with me. All of a sudden, I jump out of the bed. "What are you doing in here?!" I cry.

He seems to understand what's going on now. His face drops to annoyance as he lays back down before answering, "Isn't it kind of obvious?" He yawns, "I was sleeping."

"What are you doing in here?" I emphasize the here.

"It's my bedroom." He shuts his eyes. It looks like he is sleeping.

"Then why am I here?" I question. I don't really know why I am trying to aggravate him, but I guess you could say I'm not really thinking straight at the moment.

"Let me rephrase that. It's our bedroom." Ha answers tiredly. It's obvious that he doesn't want to deal with me right now.

"No it's not. This is not our anything, because in order for it to be ours, we would have to be something which we aren't, so leave," I say with an edge to my voice. He just looks amused since there is a smirk adorning his lips. He knows that I have no real power, but that doesn't mean I won't try.

"Don't want to," he peeks an eye open at me.

I cross my arms defiantly. I've never been one to step down easily, and I'm not going to start now. "Fine," I say through gritted teeth. "If you're not leaving, then I am." I start to storm towards the door, and I take a look over my shoulder to see that he doesn't look worried.

"Not gonna happen," he says lightly while still laying in bed. Just when I get to the door, he adds, "The door is locked."

Almost hopelessly, I try to turn the knob anyways and find that he wasn't lying. Seeing that I can't win, I let out a huff and stomp my way over to the love seat then sit down. I don't care how childish I may seem to him; in fact, I don't care what he thinks about me at all. All I know is that he is crazy if he thinks I'm going to go lay on the bed again. I'd lay on a bed of hot coals before I'd lay with him again. Frustrated, I struggle to keep my emotions under control. I'm too tired to cry so I just start rubbing my temples instead in a vain attempt of soothing myself.

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