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Ryan and I are running side by side laughing. We are in a meadow that is covered in snow, and for some reason, we are wearing t-shirts and shorts, but the weirdest part is that we aren't cold even though the temperatures should be frigid. "I'm going to get you!" He says as he chases me.

I scream in between laughs trying to act scared but am failing miserably. I'm a terrible actress around Ryan. It's hard to not be myself with him. Besides, not even the greatest actress in the world could pretend to be afraid of Ryan. He's just too friendly and looks too nice.

As we continue to run, the snow suddenly starts to melt quickly, and in its place blooms different colors of flowers and green grass for miles. Birds start to sing and the sun shines brightly. Winter turned to spring in a matter of seconds, but I don't question it. The air doesn't grow warmer either. I still feel... nothing.

Strong arms wrap around my waist and tackle me into the sweet scents of hundreds of flowers. I don't feel the impact when I hit the ground, and I don't feel the scratchy grass as is digs into my back. The world around me is spinning fast, but I'm too happy to care.

Ryan is on top of me smiling his cute smile; the one where the right side wider than the left. His dark brown eyes are big and shiny, holding a twinkle in them that could be a star. "Promise me something, Cocoa?" He whispers in my ear. His breath is warm against my air making me feel ticklish.

"Yeah?" I say out of breath staring deeper into his eyes.

"Don't ever leave me," he whispers then he gets closer to my ear and just barely whispers, "Kiss me." His voice sounds different, deeper than normal, but it all disappears once his lips mold perfectly against my own.

I'm kissing my best friend which is starting to awake feelings in my that I never knew I had. There is a hunger that I felt from someone before, but at the same time it's softer and slower. It's more of a kiss for love rather than lust. It takes my breath away even more and I feel like I'm floating on air.

When we reluctantly pull away since we need to breathe, I'm not looking in Ryan's deep brown eyes, but instead I am swimming in the clear ocean blue of Chris's. "I just love you so much," he says with so much emotion that my heart aches.

It's starts to echo through the meadow and I feel dizzy. Where'd Ryan go? Did he leave me? Chris keeps smiling down at me. It's the type of smile I've never seen him give. Suddenly, I don't care about where Ryan went anymore; I don't care about him at all. "I love you, too." A familiar voice says lovingly. Then, I quickly realize that it was my voice, but I'd never say that. Not to him.

Not to anyone.

I'm not in control anymore, though. This time, I am the one to close the gap as we start kissing again, and this time Chris keeps pulling me closer and closer to him until there is no space left between us. No no no no no, I keep chanting in my head, no no NO!

I wake with a slight jolt, alerting Chris when I do. It's 1 in the morning. Wow, this has been a long drive. "I was getting ready to wake you," Chris says tiredly while not taking his eyes off the road. He yawns, which in a way makes me nervous since he's driving, but at the same time, maybe a crash wouldn't hurt too bad. All I would have to do is survive it, and then I would be home free.

"How far away are we?" I ask as I shift positions trying to compete the impossible task of making myself comfortable. My leg is throbbing slightly. It's just a dull ache know, but I can still feel it as is pulses.

He yawns, "Probably about 5 minutes. Joseph is already there waiting to meet you. He has the office ready to go so we can be on our way as fast as we can." He takes one hand off the wheel and holds my hand loosely. It feels cold against my own, as if it doesn't belong. I slowly take it away. That dream still haunts me. That won't happen, it can't. I won't ever love Chris. How could I? He took me from everything: my family, my friends, my life. No one in there right mind would love someone who did that to them.

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