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I start picking through my various assortment of shoes. I settle for a pair of light Adidas shoes that look like they are made for speed.

Matt and I decided we will run mid morning on most days so that it will be a little warmer out. I'm wearing black sweats that go down to the middle of my calves and a bright pink zip up sweat shirt. My ears are protected by a black ear band and my hair is pulled back in a tail.

"Be careful," Chris says. He's sitting on the bed, "I trust Matt with this, but if he does anything you don't like, tell me."

Since I'm not looking at him, I roll my eyes. He's beginning to sound like my Mom, even though I miss her so much, this did get annoying. "I will," I say.

"And don't run away, because Matt and I will find you. Then no more running."

"Ok," I huff. They won't catch me.

I tie my shoes on good and tight, "Remember, I just want you to be happy." I hate how he's lecturing me like this.

"I know," I say. I honestly do, if he didn't, he wouldn't be taking such a big risk I'm the first place.

I stand up and start walking towards the door. Chris stands up and gives me a hug. I do my best to return it, he can't know I don't like him anymore. He gives me a kiss on the top of my head, "Have fun," he says looking down at me.

"I will," I say smiling back.

This is my plan. I'm going to wait a few days to make my move. Until then, I'll be scanning the area, getting ready to know my escape route. I'll choose an area far away from the house, and on the right day, I'll get rid of Matt somehow, and run away. This time, I won't break my leg.

Maybe I won't have to hurt Matt really bad. That's the only thing that could go wrong, Matt. I'm not going to think about that now, first I need to know where I'm going.

I hurry down the stairs and meet Matt at the bottom. He's dressed in black sweats with a white stripe down the side and a navy blue sweatshirt.

"I just need to stretch before we go," he says. I join him. We work on stretching out our legs, arms, neck, and a lot of other areas that could cramp.

He stands up and says, "Ready."

Chris is sitting at the table eating a bagel as we pass him to go outside. He glares at Matt, he just nods. The air in the room feels tight, as it always does when they're together.

Once we are out of the house and the door is closed, I feel like I can breathe. This is almost to easy.

The air is cold and nips at some exposed skin. The grass is is dusted in a layer of frost. The more I am out here, the more I want to run.

I look around the area. It looks the same as when I was first brought here. Only now, most of the leaves are off the trees, and a sleek black motorcycle is in the driveway. "Is that yours?" I ask in awe gazing at it.

I've always thought that motorcycles were cool, but this one's a beauty. I don't see one speck of rust or chipped paint.

"She's mine," he says laughing at me.

"You should let me take her for a spin," I say jokingly. It feels so easy to be around Matt, almost natural.

He laughs, "Not gonna happen. It don't want dents in her."

Oh come on, I'm not that irresponsible or clumsy. Am I?

"Ok, so where are these trails Chris was talking about?" I ask looking at him.

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