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Sometimes I feel like I'm lost, most the time actually. I don't know what's going to happen to me or where I'm going. Everything feels like a big routine, I couldn't tell you how many days have passed since the blizzard, or how many days it has been since Matt started to hate me.

All I do know is that today is Christmas, and it sucks. The living room looks beautiful with the tree twinkling lights and the early morning sun glowing through the frosted windows.

It just doesn't give me the familiar feeling of joy. So Christmas already feels lost to me. Matt being a sour puss and Chris trying to give me a present doesn't help.

"Take it," Chris says trying to pass me a small box wrapped in a silver paper. A lacy gray bow keeps it tied together.

"I really don't need anything," I say pushing it back, "Besides, you know that's not what I want."

He sighs, "You know I won't give you that. Come on, Morgan." We get in to a stare off to see who would lose their ground first. The more I looks in to Chris's eyes, the more I want to take the gift. He knows it, too, because he wears a smirk of triumph.

Finally I take it, he wouldn't stop pestering me until I did. I reluctantly unwrap the package, Chris watching eagerly while Matt is taking a nap.

Under the paper is a small white box. I take the lid off and stare. Inside is one of those open heart necklaces from Kay Jewelers.

"Do you like it?" He asks. My lip starts to tremble and I slowly look up at him. His face falls, "What's wrong?"

"I- I can't," I manage to choke out before I drop the gift on the ground and rush up the stairs to my room. To my surprise, Chris doesn't follow. I lean against the far corner and slump to the ground.

I know it's stupid to get so upset over a necklace, but it's more than that. Last Mother's Day, my brothers and I pitched in money and bought Mom the exact same necklace. She loved it, and wore it every day. Just seeing it again reminds me of all the good times my Mom and I have shared.

Not only that, but over the last few months when she was on the news, the necklace was nowhere to be seen. Does that me she forgot to wear it, or that she's not sure if she'll ever see me again.

No, I need to get those thoughts out of my head. Of course she'll never give up hope, I was- am a Mommy's girl. I look just like her, only younger. We act alike and think the same.

So if she knows me, which she does, she's knows I'm fighting to get home. Yeah, she had to forget.

I'm able to calm down quickly, but I don't go back downstairs. I feel embarrassed for having a break down over a necklace.

Unconsciously, I was twisting the ring on my finger. I've been doing that a lot lately. I think it's from the stress, like how some people crack their knuckles or chew their nails, twisting the ring is how I get a hold of myself.

It's the end of December now, so I figure I have 3 months at the least till the wedding. I shudder, the more I think about it, the more I realize that's not a lot of time.

"What are you thinking about?" Chris asks sitting on the futon next to me.

"A lot," I reply honestly.

"Listen," he says, "I'm so-"

"Don't, I was the one who freaked out. I'm sorry, it's just my Mom has one and it brings back memories."

He looks straight ahead, his eyes somewhere else. "It's just I try so hard to make you happy, and whatever I do, it upsets you more." He looks at me and smiles a little. "I guess that's part of the reason I like you so much. The challenge, never knowing what you are going to do or what you're thinking. It definitely makes things," he pauses trying to find the right word, "fun."

I give a small laugh, "I wouldn't say it's always fun, but it's definitely interesting."

He pulls the white box out of a pocket in his shirt, "I'm not sure if you want this or not but if you don't, it's cool."

"No, I want it." I get up and sit next to him. I move my hair to the side so he can put it on. I figured that whenever I see the necklace, I'll feel closer to my Mom. Just another reason to keep fighting.

The pendent drops gently on my chest. Chris takes forever to clasp the necklace in the back. "Done," he says then I turn to face him. His eyes shine brightly, "It's even more beautiful than I imagined it would look."

He leans in and we share a soft, gentle kiss. Its one of the sweetest moments we've had in a long time, and I end it by laughing.

He's raises an eyebrow, "I feel like I'm in one of those, 'Every kiss begins with Kay,' commercials," I say smiling.

He laughs realizing it too. "I love it when you smile," he says dreamily. I lean in to him and he puts his arm around me.

"You love it when I do anything."

He shrugs, "I guess that's part of what love is." It's moments like this that make it hard for me to hate Chris.

"So anyone coming over today that I should know about?" I ask. Things were getting way to close and happy.

"No, just you and me."

For some reason I feel excited about that idea. Isn't it like that everyday? Geez, aren't I bipolar today?

"And Matt," I say flatly.

"Yeah," Chris says clearing his throat. "Is there something going on there."

"Nothing other than me finding out what a jerk he is."

Chris laughs, "That didn't take long."

"No, not at all."

"So are you ready to go back downstairs?" He asks, probably figuring out we can't spend the whole day up there.

"Yeah, let's go."

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