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Matt never did come. I guess it was just wishful thinking that God actually wanted me to get out of here. I'm not getting any help today, any help ever.

My brain is screaming that I should've never put my faith in Matt. I just fell in to another one of his games. While my heart is screaming there is still time, he can save me today. It's like I have a war zone inside me, and it's tearing me apart.

Yes, today is April 1. March flew by so fast that I don't believe the calendar. Maybe it's playing some sort if sick game with me like Matt did. I feel a slight stab in my chest, no it's not a game.

A feeling of dread has been creeping up in me since the day Matt left, and it's about to overwhelm me. I have to get out of here before tonight, there are no other options. I can't be used like that, I couldn't live with myself.

I'm woken up early this morning by Beaty. She's all cheery singing, "Wake up! It's a big big day!" Her attitude reminds me of Effie's from The Hunger Games. I guess in a way they are similar, she might as well be preparing me for my death.

I groan and lazily sit up, Chris didn't sleep here last night. He said something about a guest room downstairs, it doesn't matter, it felt good to have to bed to myself.

She makes me shower and dry my hair before I'm allowed to eat breakfast. It's like she knows my weaknesses. While I'm eating my Cheerios, she says, "Aren't you excited?" But before I have the chance to answer, she says, "I am. I love weddings so much! They are so cute and I love what everyone wears."

"Beaty," I cut in annoyed. "Will you just be quiet?" My patience is as about as thick as a strand of hair right now.

She shuts up for about ten seconds of pure bliss before bursting out, "Agh! Your going to look so pretty! You'll never go back to sweat pants again." The thought of dressing up everyday like doing my makeup, hair, wearing new outfits is almost enough to make me puke.

I'm about to strangle the little red head by the time I'm done eating. "Oh Chris is so lucky." All of a sudden she squeals, "You'll have the cutest babies!"

"Okay, that's enough. How about you help me with my dress and things." I swear there is something wrong with this girl. It almost makes me not want to kill her. Almost.

Hopefully she will be to intent on working on me that she won't talk. We start waking towards the meadow, that's where everything for the wedding is.

Chris had white canopies set up. My dressing area is closed off by walls on all sides of it.

I gasp when we get there, everything looks so beautiful. The flowers of the meadow are in bloom and bring life and color to the area. Some of the trees surrounding the meadows have little pink flowers on them, while others are bursting in green. On the far side of the field, a white arch is set up with vines wrapping their way to the top, blue flowers grow on some areas. Rows of light colored benches lead up to it. Several of large canopies are set up. Beaty starts dragging me over to mine, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

It's hard to believe that something so beautiful can be so evil.

When we get there, Beaty sets to work. At first she is quiet, but then she sets in to her groove and starts talking at one hundred miles per hour again.

"Beaty?" I ask with fake interest, "Does that stand for something?" I'm only asking because the topic is getting to close again.

"No, not that I know of," she says while messing with my eye makeup.

"Really, not even Beatrice? You look like a Beatrice."

"Oh lord, I hope not! I'll have to ask my parents. It's always been Beaty." She is quiet for a couple minutes, probably thinking about all the possible names she could have. Poor girl, she doesn't even realize how stupid she is.

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