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Dinner was great, at least the food was anyways. I wish I could say that everyone was happy and laughing like a normal family, but then I would be lying. Besides, we are no where close to being one. Ashley was quiet and was deep in thought most the time. Danny tried talking to her but she wouldn't answer. Eventually he gave up and started a small conversation with Joseph. Chris was talking to his parents most the time. It didn't bother me, sometimes I just need to be left alone.

Whenever I looked at Danny, I got a pain in my gut. I never thought he was capable of being such a monster. Life just isn't fair.

Olivia looked at me a few times and noticed my unease. She gave me a look, as if to say, "We'll talk later." I give her a small nod.

I don't feel like talking anymore today. All of the bad news I've gotten already already makes me slightly depressed, I don't think I can handle anymore. I also don't need more insight on how I'm falling for my kidnapper, how pathetic.

If I ever do get out of here, I'll be known as the weak minded girl who fell in love with her kidnapper. Talk about a reputation. But like Olivia said, some things can't be stopped.

I only had a plate full of food. It turns I wasn't as hungry as I originally thought. Of course Chris notices when I only have one, "Are you feeling ok?" He asks me, dropping what he and his Dad were talking about.

I put on a fake smile and look in to his eyes, "Perfect." I try to sound cheery, but my voiced faltered at the end.

Chris gives me a weary look before he says, "You suck at lying," if only he knew how many times I've tricked him. I keep my mouth clamped shut, don't need all those secrets spilling out. "Are you sure you are all right?"

Am I all right? That is a very vague question. There are so many things that could be wrong, or so many that could be right. More are wrong for me at the moment, but thats not what is bothering me. It's not really my place to tell him or anyone what's wrong. So I say, "I'm fine." Which is partly true.

He gives me a slight nod before going back to talking to Jonathan. I start to grow drowsy, I just want this day to end.

This is by far the worst Thanksgiving ever. I mean, the food is some of the best I'd ever had, but that's not really the point of it, is it? First off, everyone here seems tenser than what they should be. It's a holiday, we should be partying and laughing. Instead, all we do is have small, strained conversations and sit around.

Secondly, this just isn't my family. No one here is smiling, no one is shouting or singing, and what I miss most of all, none of my brothers are here to annoy me. Out of everything I lost, that's towards the top of the list. I used to hate it, but now I see that that's one of the ways they showed they loved me, and I always acted like a brat when they did.

Oh no, if I don't stop thinking about this, I'll probably end of crying.

Bottom line is, the people here aren't a family. They may act like one and be related by blood, but they just don't know how to be one. Everything is always so serious. It's so depressing, to see what some people miss out on.

Like Chris. He could be different if his family was umm, more normal. Everything could be. We would all be better off if it were.

When everyone else was done eating, Chris and his Mom cleaned up. I offered to help, but I was shot down. They cleared the table and are now washing dishes.

An awkward silence fills the room. Ashley wears a distant look in her face. Her mouth is in a straight line. Danny left to use the restroom and Jonathan has his blackberry out. He looks like he is sending an important message. Maybe another person in the family just kidnapped another girl, or it's business. I don't want to know.

Stolen LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora