Chapter 2 - Alpha Daviau

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"What do you mean where I was? I was at home, sleeping"

I had been caught. The air was thick and bitter, it felt like I could taste the emotion in the air, he knew of my lies. My father's eyes widen and he crossed his arms firmly. He did not believe it.

"Nolan saw you," he said and looked towards my brother sitting on the couch. "What were you doing out that night? Don't you understand how dangerous it is for human girls on the night of the taking? You could have been hurt carelessly"

My mother laid a comfortable hand on his shoulder as if to calm him down. He relaxed slightly and leaned back, releasing his crossed arms. "Don't worry," she said with a sweet and smooth voice. She sounded pitiful. "We only want the truth, nothing more. Tell us, honey. We're on your side"

I hesitated and looked back at Nolan. He had my mother's features with lighter hair and brown eyes. Of course, he had my father's body and athletic side. It was Nolan who had found me by the lake yesterday night. He had been out on the night of the taking. It was something lycans did every year. He was searching for his mate but returned with me instead. I would never forget the startled look in his face when he ran by me.

But I couldn't tell them. My family wouldn't understand. My father would only do the best for the sake of lycans and by telling my mother, I would tell my father. The bond they had made them able to read each other's thoughts, and if my mother would block him, he would want to know why. Nolan or Kiernan would be possible, but they were both my brothers. Kieran would tell my father because he is the next Alpha in line and Nolan... Well. He was an option. Scarlett would only tell her mate.

Somehow, Zante popped up in my head. He liked me, no, he adored me. He wouldn't tell anyone, not even his father who were Gamma. He could possibly tell Darren, but with my charm and ability to persuade, he wouldn't stand a chance.

"Daisy, honey" my mother tried. I looked up rapidly. "Yes?"

"We've asked you several questions now. You can tell us, it's okay, you're safe"

That was something about my mother. She loved me too much. I knew she only wanted me safe but it got too much. Though she was a vast contrast compared to my father.

I decided to lie. "I'm sorry. I just, I thought that maybe I would meet my mate when going out that night. When I lost hope of finding him, I began wandering towards the lake. Nolan found me in a moment of doubt and grief. I wanted nothing to do with upsetting you"

My mother furrowed her eyebrows but looked pleased. My father looked more suspicious. He always wanted me to find my mate and learn the real lifestyle of bonding with a lycan. Of course, he had to approve, though. But I was surely bonded with an Alpha or Beta because of my high rank. When I glanced at Nolan, I saw disapproval. Shit. He knew I lied. He had been there that night and he had seen everything, my face, my clothes and the marks on my body from my claws.

 "You've never been interested in mating someone before. How come you suddenly found it so alluring as to go out and look for your mate?" Nolan questioned suspiciously. 

I wanted to shout at him for breaking my lies with logic but I forced a smile instead. Lucky for me, I was good at lying. "Scarlett talks a lot. A lot about everything but a lot about her mate. She talked me into the positive things about bonding and mates. I couldn't see a reason for me not to have one. I went out to search for him, you know," I smirked. "To make it a little easier for him"

But Nolan knew me. He squinted his eyes at me in suspicion. He wasn't fooled that easily. "I see," he said. "How come you only started listening to Scarlett? You never listen to anyone except the singers in the songs you prefer listening to"

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