Chapter 8 - A War Has Begun

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This chapter is for P. 


It had gone really dark as I sat alone on the fountain. I needed time to think and consider my options. What to do next and where to head. What was I suppose to do after school finished? Stay here for the rest of my life, hiding behind a mate to protect me? Never let my secret unleash?

After I sat there a while, at least half an hour, I heard screaming from the gathering. I shot up and looked around as I desperately grabbed the ends of my dress. I ran to the gathering and saw people running like madmen. Lycans in their wolf form running around and shouting. Women and children were brought away into the palace. What was going on? Another war? No, that couldn't be.

"Daisy! Daisy May!" I heard a voice and I ran to my mother's side. She hugged me tight and grabbed my hand. "We have to go inside, now"

"Mom, wait! What's going on? Where are we going?"

Mom didn't answer my questions, but all the women in sight caught a hold of her thoughts and ran inside the palace. "No!" I yelled at her as she shoved me inside. "Tell me what's going on"

She looked horrified and her beautiful, gracious face was tired and frightened. "Lycans are invading us, I don't know why, but your father is out there trying to figure it all out. Kieran is with him too. But Daisy, I need you to stay here inside with the others. There is something I have to do, I need to open the passageway in the cellar to keep everyone safe. I need you to stay here and reassure everyone that everything's going to be alright. Can you do that?"

I couldn't speak. "Can you do that?" she said again with strength and I nodded. "Yes, I can do that" I said. She kissed my forehead. "Good, I'll be back soon"

I looked to the frightened women and children and took a deep breath. I was supposed to be out there to fight. Looking down at my dress I realized that I couldn't wear this when I did, I had to go to my room to change and that would take time I didn't have. I glanced outside and my eyes lingered on the wolves that risked their lives for their pack and their honor. I wanted to be out there too. In mid thought, I felt a hand drag my dress down and I looked down to see the girl from earlier, the little maid. I leaned down to her. "Hello," I said and she looked around anxiously. "What's up?"

"I saw that you were thinking about going out there," she said. "You're not really going to do that, are you?"

I looked down and licked my lips, deep in thought. "I might have to do that, but my mom will be back soon, okay? She'll keep you all safe"

"But you're not going to die are you?"

"Of course not!" I said, trying to reassure her that death wasn't my destiny today. "But, Daisy," she said quietly. She looked around before she whispered in my ear. "I want to help. I can play Robin and you can be Batman! Girl Batman"

I smiled and stood up. "It's not that easy, but you're really brave for saying that. I don't want you to get hurt, okay?"

I looked around and found a sharp knife just beside the meat on the table. The sharp blade was useful to cut my dress so I wouldn't fall on it. By mistake, I happen to cut my thigh and I bit my lip to try to hold the pain as I ripped the dress clean. The girl helped me with the back so that the cut was neat. "There," I said and looked at the girl. "Thanks, Robin"

"Alright, Batman" she giggled but stopped herself as she took a look outside. "Be careful. It's scary out there"


I sneaked out like I was invisible. My footsteps were light and I knew I was fast. My wolf form was agiler, but I knew that I couldn't fight as well in the form of my wolf. So I stayed human, for now. There were different kind of lycans that invaded. They didn't really look like they belonged together, they looked like pieces from different puzzles. Like rogues together in one pack. I ran out onto the battlefield. It was dangerous, and I knew that. 

But I had this feeling inside me, it told me to do this, to help. Perhaps it was my honor speaking, but I needed to do this for my pack. A man came up to me with the task to drag me away into a parked black van beside him. But I was stronger than him. As his hands came up behind me to shield my mouth, I grabbed his wrist and leaned down to get my strength on my side. He was injured badly when his head crashed into the ground. The van was full of young women and children. I stood up and pointed to the palace. "Get inside the palace, now! The others will be waiting" 

They looked grateful. Among them was my friend Scar. After she cried out and hugged me, I began to wander the other areas, looking for people to protect, my soul was filled with pride. I had just saved my best friend and at least ten other women from being kidnapped. But my pride stopped me as I saw Nolan fight a man much larger than him. So without a thought, I ran to help him. 

He glanced my way and stopped to scream at me. "Daisy, no! Get back to the others!" he said helplessly before a hard punch was thrown his way. He fell to the ground and I growled at the man that used his fist to hurt my brother. "Do that again and I will kill you" 

The man turned my way and leaned down. "I'd like to see you try, girly" 

He was bearded and tall and looked incredibly strong. But a thing I had heard from eavesdropping at lycan training was that younger wolves had an advantage, they were swift. Men who held strength were also slow. I was lighter on my feet and as long as he didn't grab me, I could try to take him down. He took two steps towards me and shouted loudly to fight for dominance. "Unless you want to die slowly, I suggest you take a step back and let the men do their job" 

I hissed at him and threw my fist his way. He was quicker than I thought and so when he grabbed my fist I held my mouth open in shock. It all happened so fast, and I had made the worst mistake yet, I had underestimated my opponent. He made me gasp by pushing my front against the mud. His hands were tight around my wrists and that piqued my brother's interest as well gave me a peace of mind. Nolan grabbed the man's neck tight and somehow, my brother threw him off me. Perhaps it was adrenaline. 

As soon as Nolan grabbed ahold of the man, I caught the scent. The scent of my mate. I knew it was him, there wasn't even a shadow of doubt that it belonged to another. But he couldn't be in my pack, therefore he would be in the pack that attacked. My own mate had been a part of it all, he had attacked my family. The bearded man beat Nolan to a pulp and I wasn't having it any longer. 

"Hey, jackass!" 

The man looked behind him and I ran towards him, nailing him right in the nuts. More rogues came, or whatever they were, they came and they fought us well. It looked like we were more than they were. I could only imagine what would happen to my mate. Would he be hurt? Or even worse, killed? My father was ordering people to the cells right away, to be sent off to be questioned for this whole idea. My father had soldiers ready at the party, he knew that this was going to happen. But he didn't tell the rest of us. He hadn't told me

Two vans had disappeared with women, children and some good fighters. Some had gone with their new found mates, others had been taken. For those that had been taken, we were getting them back. And if my father refused, then I would go myself. For what purpose do we have a pack if people can just walk in and take the members? 

But in my deep thought, I was grabbed from behind, by my arms and then with two other hands by my legs. I screamed for them to get off me but they refused to when they instead put a cloth in my mouth to silence me. I hadn't been given training for this at all. I had been trained how to cook, how to sew and how to please a mate. Those experiences came to no use now. 

Because the war that my mind had created had just begun. And I was going to fight for my family till the end of my days. 


I'm both happy and sad. Gleeful, upbeat, sunny and bitter, mournful, somber. Yes, I searched for synonyms, haters gonna hate. Whether it's a battle between bastards or the fact that a life in prison is taken on a TV series, I don't know the difference anymore. I've sat inside for too long, it's time for me to go. Outside and smell the flowers and listen to the birds. Before I attend to a deep dormancy again. Thanks for reading by the way.


SONG: Muddy Waters by LP

Daisy May (2)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara