Chapter 20 - No More Time

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We ran out of the room, leaving behind a drunk-like Tade. I had to think before I opened my mouth to Alec. I had to know... was there magic involved in this? Witches of some sort?

And if they were involved, then for what purpose? Because I was a female lycan that needed extra protection? I needed to look into my situation. My father's library had to have the answers to what I was looking for. Alec's hand grew tight around my wrist and I fought against him. "Hey!" I whispered as we jogged through the dark forest. "You don't need to grab that hard, I'm not that slow"

"It's not that you're slow," he said. He didn't let go of my hand or explain further. We were south of our own borders, but not too far away from home, I would guess a few hours by car. But why would he bring me out of my own mating ceremony to talk to him in the forest? Would we escape home?

"Alec, wait," I said. "You can't take me home. That would cause a war to start"

"Neither am I taking you home," he said, his eyes filled with mystery. In the moonlight, he seemed like a tall stranger towering over me with such a strange aura. Who was this Alec really?

"You are too important to rot away in a cell like that. I'm taking you to a... sanctuary. You'll be safe. With people guarding you"

"Alec, I don't need people guarding me. I want to go home, but I can't. I have to stay here and find a solution. A cure to the mating bond or... I don't know, a way to avoid war. I can't be selfish in this situation"

"Oh, why are you making this so difficult?" he said with frustration. "You're one of a kind, Daisy May! You are the first female lycan to exist in history! Do you know what will happen if you mate the right man? What will happen to your offspring? You need to be selfish, for everyone's sake"

My tongue twisted itself into a great puzzle and I stopped just to listen to him. My mind was as blank as my face, I didn't have the words to speak out. Before we could take a step further, I heard someone running towards us with great speed, rustling through the forest with a howl. But before I knew it... Alec was gone and I was left alone in the forest.

My thoughts were so foreign, I had no idea what was going on, I was always kept in the dark about everything. Why did no one trust me? 

Tade's massive figure took place in the willow I was in and he was in his lycan form, probably not as much to catch me, but to show his dominance over me. Likely, he wasn't too interested in Alec, or maybe he had ignored him because all he was looking at was me. "I'm not running," I said slowly, showing my arms in defeat. "I just need some air"

He didn't stop growling, leaving me no choice but to fall to the ground and offer my neck. "See?" His growling died down slightly and he came up to me, sniffing my neck prior to his mouth twisting into a rictus as he slowly began to lick my neck. I sat down fully and placed my hands in his hair, wanting him to shift back to his human form. He was a stubborn man because he didn't shift back until my hands were sore from rubbing. He was naked in front of me, his body pressed tightly against me just as it had half an hour ago. "Why were you talking to him?"

"Family business" I breathed out, before heading to stand up. He grabbed my arm and pushed me down on the ground with him. "Stay" he said.

We sat there for a while, him watching me while I was looking everywhere but at him. 

"It seems like you have me in some sort of spell," he said. "Luring me into your traps"

I looked at him. "I can assure you, you have the advantage over me"

"I suppose," he said. "But I still feel uneasy around you. Even when we mated" 

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