Chapter 14 - Mindless

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I gulped the saliva down my throat until my mouth was completely dry. The people around us started taking a few steps back, some cursed and some cheered. Some looked absolutely mortified. Darren was a lycan, he'd survive. Probably. But when I watched Darren on the floor in a bloody mess, not moving at all, I realized that he may have had some serious injury.

But my mate didn't stop. He continued to hit and punch Darren on the floor. And even though I hated Darren's guts, I still couldn't continue watching him dying on a small club downtown. "Stop! Hey!"

Grabbing ahold of my mate's arm, I pulled him back with all the strength I could muster. With my the intense force, I held us both back, leaving Darren a mess on the floor. "You need to get out of here," I said. "Half my pack is here and they'll catch you if you don't leave now"

Growling loudly with the intensity in his voice that brought shivers down my spine. "I would not let some peasant touch what's mine"

His voice was low and rumbling as he gripped his fists tight together. "I'm fine," I said quickly, showing him my honest hands. "It was nothing I couldn't handle"

But he wouldn't budge. "I need to get you out of here. You are not safe with that pack. People want to hurt you"

My heart fluttered inside. Even though the situation was dire and intense and I should really be gullible and say I would be fine, something inside me twisted when his arms flexed, revealing his tension and muscles. His tight shirt fitted him well, but it would look nicer on the floor.

All of a sudden, I felt him grab me by my hand and drag me away from the dancefloor. I didn't have time to process it until we were out the door. "Wait a second!" I screamed in shock. "Take me with you and they'll find me, they'll do me justice-"

"You are a human girl," he stepped towards me until I was covering up against the wall outside. He was towering over me and I felt like a little girl caught taking some sweets in the cupboard. "You will be needing protection in the war to come"

I was startled. Did he think I was some mere little girl glancing at her daddy when problems came along? "You can't protect me against yourself" I spat.

In milliseconds he had me pinned to the wall without me being able to react. I didn't know how he did it, not even as a lycan, I didn't have time to react. "Do not tell me what I cannot do," he said, watching me gulp down the rest of the saliva in my mouth. "You are on my side now. You will stand beside me when I take over your father's pack. And we will win"

With slight hesitation I spoke. I kept my voice low so that I wouldn't push him further. "I'm telling you," I said. "They'll be here any minute to come get me and they won't leave without me"

He took a few steps away from me, letting me slide down the wall and look away from his menacing eyes. Still no expression. Completely emotionless. Reaching down in his pocket, he lit up a cigarette, blowing out the smoke the opposite direction from me.

"Aren't you going to ask if I want one?" I questioned after slight doubt.

"Hm," he said and glanced me up and down before blowing out the smoke. "I would never let my mate smoke"

"But aren't I'm you?" I said with a slight sarcasm in my voice. He grabbed my chin and caressed my lower lip with his finger. "You have a lot to learn, birdy"

"I've learned a lot already, thank you. And I'm not impressed"

"Well, I am not here to impress you, am I" he growled deeply, his voice rumbling in the back of his throat. "I let you go before to give them a warning. But you have made yourself too comfortable and now it is time you return"

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