Chapter 26 - A Man

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On the opposite side of the field, I saw a man. 

Not a boy. A man

He had a dark facade, which there was no denying of. He was so far away from me, the only thing I could see about him was the jet black hair that glittered slightly in the dusk light. The pull was obvious, I could feel myself wanting him to come closer to me, touch me. 

But he didn't. 

He stayed in his place, and I stayed in mine, leaning my back against the great oak tree for support. A mate. Two mates. How could that be possible? Did I have to choose? Or was I destined by the moon goddess to have both? 

For the thirty seconds that we stared at each other, he had made no move. I didn't know why. A lycan spotting their mate for the first time should be thrilled, making their way towards them as quick as possible to embrace their love. But he just stood there. 

I was almost afraid for his sake, he had seen me, right? Or else he wouldn't be standing there? Could it be, he had been afraid for his own sake that he knew of my bond with Tade? That I wasn't completely his?

Was this his way of rejecting me?

Just as the thought of rejection passed me, I cried out in pain and fell against the tree. The thoughts of being Alpha had soon passed me, because if my mate didn't want me, then what was the use? 

I sat there alone for a few seconds before I felt him touch me. He had ran to me. Seen my distress and touched me. I knew that this life of two mates and being an Alpha would be difficult, two dominant creatures fighting for what they thought were theirs. Me in the middle. Helpless. As always. 

I didn't dare to look at him. I imagined I'd find another Tade. Another Alec. Another version of my father.

But the feeling was so strange. I laid helpless on the ground and he barely touched me. His hands didn't wander my body. His eyes laid perfectly still on my head, I could feel it boring through my skull. But he didn't make a move. Was this really a lycan whom touched me? 

Who was he? I wanted to ask him, but nothing came out of my mouth. He leaned down on the ground with me and I held my breath. His hands let me go. But then, a his hands left me, the coldness of the dusk took over and I missed his touch. The electric warmth of his hands against my bare shoulders. 

Then I looked. 

His eyes were warm, a shock that made me gasp. Light, great orbs of honey, that matched his skin as it was tanned too. Where did he come from? His skin was soft looking, and he had no tattoos or rough edges anywhere. He was gracious, even though he was tall and muscular like any lycan. But I felt his touch ignite me more than I had ever felt before.

"Don't let me go" I managed to whisper silently, like a baby in their mother's arms. 

He smiled at me. And it was such a beautiful smile, the dimples in his cheeks made me smile too, and soon he had his hands on my cheeks and I could do nothing but gawk at him. A lycan happy? That only existed in fairytales. 

But the strangest part was, he took my hand and brought it up to his mouth, closed his eyes before he placed a slow kiss on the back of it. I just sat there stunned, but I wanted him to come closer. 

"Why aren't you touching me?" I asked of him, thinking he'd have his way with me before he knew my name. 

He brought a string of hair behind my ear before he caressed my cheek. "But I am" he said. His voice was so low, and it was wise with age. "But," I whined silently, "You're not" 

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