Chapter 11 - Safety

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"What am I suppose to do?" I asked quietly, watching the guard dress himself in a dark stained vest. "Just stand there and look pretty," the man said with that thick accent. "Alpha Rivas will be present in a few minutes. He will give you further instructions" 

I sat down on the bed tentatively. As a consequence of their behavior, I wasn't feeling comfortable here. I hope my pack was looking for me. Even though I didn't want to end up in the midst of the fire, I still wanted to get out of here. I missed my mom. I missed Kieran and my father and even Nolan. I missed my uncle and his family too. 

The guard shut the door to the bedroom harshly and I jumped up on the bed. The room was eerie and small, like a cottage bedroom. A tall, lean wardrobe and a decently small bed in the corner in the room that was lit up by the dim light of a light bulb was everything in the room. Even though I was used to luxury consisting of jewelry and queen sized beds, I still didn't mind the tight space. It was the eerie feeling that was bothering me. 

I waited in the room for a long time. I started to memorize the patterns on the wall when suddenly I heard footsteps from outside the room. I could smell my mate outside before he even showed his face. The door opened up abruptly and I sat back as I glared at the door. 

His tan hand against the white door made me fuzzy inside. Like someone just twisted my insides and threw in a liter of water inside my stomach. Emotionless, described his face, he wasn't disdained with me just yet, but he wasn't exactly happy either. When he stepped inside I held my breath to the point of turning my face red. He was shirtless. His upper body was glistening with sweat, his muscles tight and showed up perfectly like a sculpture. He was more muscular than I had first thought and honestly, I had never felt more attracted to anyone in my life. 

I couldn't speak, he was talking but I zoned out, my mind was on his perfectly shaped abs. But before I had time to admire his abs, he put on a black t-shirt he got from one of the drawers. Wait, this was his room. His clothes were here, his scent was all over it. I was sitting on his bed

He glanced at me, at first I didn't even think he noticed me, he had just walked in, put on a shirt and sighed, leaning against the bureau. "Hello?" I asked, glitching my eyes in slight anger. "What's going on, huh? What are you going to do to me?" 

I had to remind myself once again, this was my enemy. The enemy to my pack. This was the Alpha who had commenced an expedition to destroy my pack. I had to fight him, I could never let him win, no matter the cost. 

"I am not going to mate you yet," he said roughly and something inside me cracked. Even though my outsides were happy, a part of me wanted him to desire me and take me as his mate. "I've been watching you for a long time, Daisy May," he said steadily, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Watching me?" I whispered, barely glancing his way. 

"Yes," he said. "Did you not hear me?" 

I had heard him very clear. There was no echo in here, no wind to bother us. No noise at all. It wasn't peaceful, though, it was chilling. He had watched me. Did that mean that he knew I was a lycan?

He took a few steps towards me and I crawled back on the bed, hitting the wall as he leaned over me. I could feel his breath on my skin, like a lion stalking his prey, he chuckled slightly against my cheek. "It is strange," he said. "While you act so scared, I can still smell your wetness. Why is that, my love?" 

I turned my head harshly and he turned back as not to let our heads collide. "I want nothing to do with you," I spat. "I'd rather burn in hell" 

He didn't seem bothered by my comment, he just grabbed a string of my hair and put it behind my ear. His arm was big and shadowing my view of the door that I kept glancing at. His dark, unfamiliar eyes made my stomach drop. "You are so beautiful," he said to me. "I have never seen anyone like you before. So pale," he said. "With big gray eyes and dark curly hair"

As he said that, he grabbed my hair and smelled it, making me squirm on the bed. "I want to eat you, my little" he smiled at me, though no ordinary smile. My belly turned and out of nowhere, a moan escaped my lips. I wanted so badly to scream at him to take off my clothes and just kill me right there but I had a mantra in my head. 

He's the enemy and he wants to destroy my pack. 

"Let go of me," I said steadily as his hands grabbed mine. "You're an enemy of my father, so you're an enemy of mine" 

He smiled, creating soft, almost invisible, dimples on his cheeks. "Women should not interfere in politics. This business is between Alpha Warner and I, you will survive either way this goes, do you not?" 

"I will not let you take my pack down, for whatever reason. I'll watch you burn before that ever happens" 

"You talk such big game in America," he said in my ear, making me close my eyes with a shiver. "In Brazil, we do what we promise, unlike you. But enough about that. I have instructions for you" 

"I will never follow your orders" I scoffed out loud. His breath was making me squirm uncomfortably, me avoiding his gaze. Out of nowhere, he grabbed my private parts and I gasped. "What do you think you're doing!" 

His hand was warm against me, and his fingers circling around me made me feel so fuzzy that I just about considered letting him inside me. "Go tell your daddy about me," he said, whispering in my ear, biting me. "Tell him that I am coming for him and that I am never going to stop unless he surrenders. There will be a war, and it is going to be bloody. But I have an army, my little. And that army will take your pack down" 

He groped me harder and harder and I gasped as I grabbed his hands between my legs. "What do you want me to do?" I whispered with a tear in my eye caused my the intense pleasure. 

"Go home and tell him that I am coming for him. And that his daughter has a new daddy now

Then he threw me out of his house. Well, I had a guard to escort me back to my territory, even though I wanted to just go alone. The man was driving me north, back to my family. But somehow, I ended up ditching the man and taking my car home alone. The man was fine, with only a few scratches. Probably alive. 

My mind was going haywire when I speed down the street. Before I drove inside my territory, I had to stop and think. Stepping out of the car and breathing in some air. hen my lungs filled with that moist air, it made them feel even more clogged, I needed to release the feelings trapped inside me. Why I started crying, I had no idea. 

I had met my mate, the one who was supposed to understand me, to reassure me that everything was going to be okay. But he ended up being on an entirely different side of the spectrum, with an army to wipe my family out.

I leaned against my jeep as I tried to control my breathing. What would my life become with him in it? His name, I couldn't even remember his name. What was wrong with me? I was falling for him already, and he had treated me like crap, telling me to dishonor my family. And I would never do such a thing. 

Then I heard a noise. I cursed out loud. Why do these things keep happening to me? 

But as soon as I saw his face, I knew I could relax. I ran to him crying my heart out. He leaned down to meet me and I sobbed on his shoulders. 

"Where have you been, Daisy?" he asked and I hugged him tighter, even though he was completely stiff against me. 

I looked back at him before saying, "I have some bad news, uncle Aidan" 



I'm feeling the inspiration flowing. I'm hoping to get going on this series again, for real. But as the last chapter, giving your thoughts helps me immensely so doing that could really increase the chance of me updating. Thanks for your love on the last chapter by the way. 

I'll be sure to give you some dedications soon. Love you all,


SONG: You Don't Own Me by Grace ft. G-Eazy

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