Chapter 17 - Now He Knows

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My bones broke. My body morfed into this creature that had been unknown to my soul for so long. But my body made it, shifted into the beast for Alec to see. I trusted him with this secret, and the more I grew, the more he turned pale, stepping back in total wonder. The process had become simpler, my wolf was stronger than it had ever been, and the shift hadn't been as painful as the first time. I shifted into wolf.  And I shifted back to human. 

Alec was quiet for a second, realizing what had just happened, and out of nowhere, maybe in shock, he laughed. "Fuck!" he said. 

My head wasn't clear what that meant. He was smiling, smirking even, and cursing to himself. Was that a good sign? Or did it mean he had lost his mind? "You can't tell anyone," I hurried to say with my shirt in my arms, sheilding my body. "They'll sell me out. All of them" 

Alec took a moment to look away from me to let me cover my naked body with my shirt and shorts. When I was just done buttoning my shorts, I heard him lick his lips. "Little one," he said, probably trying to grasp the concept in his mind. I waited for his respons, hoping to all the gods that he'd keep my secret and not run off to my father with it. "I won't tell," he said with a low, intimate voice and I relaxed all my muscles. "And I'm glad you told me. You can trust me" 

It felt like a relief to get this secret off my chest. I knew I had been different when I started growing long before the average girl in my pack, and the fact that I got my period so young, together with a giant set of breasts and a butt, but now it all made sense. 

"I won't tell, " Alec said again. "But this is extraordinary, and I would advise you to stay close. This war will be brutal, and the people you love will be hurt, there's nothing we can do about that. But we have to keep you safe. Imagine what your pups would be like. You could create strong pups, female too no doubt" 

I wanted to think he was different from my father. But they were brothers after all. "But," I began. "That doesn't matter. All I want is to fight by my pack's side. I need to go home where they need me" 

"You won't be safe under their roof. No doubt they'll exploit you, and use you. You need to realise that war is upon us, both parties are going to burn. We can't risk you," he said deeply. "someone who might be the only female lycan in the world" 

"Alec, please" I said. "You need to keep this quiet, no one else knows, I need to figure out what to do first. I've been abducted and no one seemes to be looking for me. I just... need some time" 

With a flat sigh, Alec took a step back. "You can't leave. It's impossible, even as a lycan, to get around twenty, thirty guards patrolling the area. Your father's pack might be strong, but this pack is bigger. Rouges from all over the country has stepped together in unity to march war against your pack. And they've got the numbers" 

Almost lover like, Alec caressed my face. "I'll take care of you. Trust me, Daisy May. You will be of great use" 

Somehow I couldn't find his words comforting. Even though I had longed to be of use, I realised that telling him this secret could be of great danger to me and my pack. There had to be a reason Alec and my family weren't on good terms. What did they fight about that kept them away from each other all these years? I had to find out. 

Later onto the night, while my mate was still in his office with the councilmen, I had to sit down by the females of his pack, like they were babysitting me. The three of the women were talking. "The mating ceremony will be nice" I heard one of them say as I looked around the room for possible exists and whatnot. I decided to investigate further. "What," I cleared my throat. "What will the ceremony be like?" 

Daisy May (2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora