Chapter 28 - Just The Beginning

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My mind was tired of all males in the world. Selfish, aggressive and angry bastards that only wanted power. 

I was in my wolf form, just looking at my two mates fighting each other bloody, growling and pretending they were both above the other. But they weren't. They were just two lycans who fought for power. Because no matter what anyone said, all men wanted was power. 

I growled loudly at them, catching their attention when I snarled and roared at them. My bones cracked, my head hurt and I tried not to let my whimpers out. 

I was stood naked in front of them both, but I didn't care enough to shield myself. Shielding yourself was a sign of weakness, and I was not weak. 

It was funny, they never noticed me unless I had my tits out. "You are so immature!" I growled at them. "Nothing will ever be solved over a fight. Blood doesn't need to be spilled every time you have a problem with someone!  When I become Alpha, I need to be seen as strong, because that is what I am. But I can't be an Alpha with you by my side" I looked at Tade. "Your dream is to be Alpha and you're so caught up in the idea of power that you forgot what the mating bond means. And Darius," I said as I glanced at him. "I know you wish me well but I met you just a few days ago, I can't trust you yet. It was stupid of me to think so. I am going to build a pack from scratch, and I will need help. But not from any of you" 

I wanted them to take me seriously, but they were both just ogling my body through everything I said. I wanted to spit at them, show them some manners, but I just shifted and ran as fast as I could. As far away from my mates as possible. 


"This looks so awesome, Zante!" I laughed as I walked around on the porch of the new pack house. Of my pack house. He smiled gently at me. Zante was to be positioned in the council in a matter of months, and he had found me this house at the edge of a field, kind of close to a lake. It wasn't enormous, but I knew my pack wouldn't start out as very large, which was good because then I could focus more on them as individuals. 

Zante and I had been working all day to get the house ready for the council to come inspect and see. It was unbearably hot outside, and also inside because of the lack of air-conditioning, so I had dressed in jean shorts and a white tee, with my hair up in a loose bun. 

The only bad thing about the house was that there was that the water didn't work yet, but there were a bathhouse and an outhouse somewhere along the lake which could be used for now. The house was quite beaten down,  but it was charming, with a wall of climbing ivy and really big windows. 

We looked out towards the field, looking out on the road to see when the council would be coming. "Thank you for finding this," I told him. It's perfect" 

Zante smiled at me, carefully touching my back and rubbing up and down in soothing motions. "Well I always wanted to drag you to a lake house, didn't I?" 

I laughed at him. "Don't push it" 

He chuckled to himself and I just looked around again, I couldn't help it. It was ideal to start a new pack in. The palace had been comfortable, but it was never really living when all I had been trained to do was to be quiet and look nice. This time, I was going to be in charge, people were going to listen to me

"So," Zante said, sounding as uninterested as possible. "You met your mate?" 

I sighed as I studied the porch. "Yep" 

"And you're mated?" 

I snorted loudly. "No," I said. "I said I wanted to focus on being an Alpha and starting my own life. I needed for myself to feel safe before I did something I regretted"

"You would be the only person to postpone your mate, I'll tell you that much," Zante smiled. "I admire that you're serious about this, but do you really think... it will work out? Just because you're a wolf doesn't mean you'll be a good Alpha" 

I knew someone was going to say it sooner or later. "I know. But I know I'll be okay. I'm strong enough to lead a pack. As long as I can make them listen, then I will help. I need to help" 

Zante touched my lower back, leading his hand to my ass. "I know you'll be good" 

Angrily, I slapped his hand away. "Are you serious? Is that why you came here? Showed me this house? To get laid?" 

"Come on, Daisy, stop. You know I'm not like that" 

I slapped him. "You're unbelievable! All males! Shitty!"

Right as I began, a car pulled up in front of the house. Three men stepped out, looking intimidating as all high positioned lycans did. Zante took a step back away from me, clearly hurt.  The men looked around snobbishly before laying their gaze on me. 

"Daisy May Warner?" the man in the middle questioned me. 

I stood tall. "Yes. Gale Summers?" 

"Correct," he answered with a neutral gaze on the house. "Looks... old" 

"It is," I answered. "But it's charming. And a fixer upper. Perfect"

"So you have the labor?" he questioned. "Where are your helpers?" 

I questioned myself before looking at Zante. "They're not here at the moment. I thought I'd show you around before disturbing you with a bunch of workers" 

That didn't come out as I expected, but the men nodded and continued walking up to the porch to meet with us. They looked around the whole house. Zante told them about the bathhouse and the location, while I tried coming up with strong ideas for the pack and how to run it. They were impressed, I could tell. They were just too snobbish to say it. 

After they left, I made Zante leave. I appreciated him finding me the pack house, but I needed him to respect me, I wanted them all to respect me. 

Therefore, I hired all available girls from my father's pack and started working on the house. 

Scar ran at me with a high pitched scream. "BITCH!" she yelled. "I have not seen you in years and years. I am certainly missing out on all the fun"

"Well, not any more" I winked at her with a sorry grin on my face. 

It was starting to look like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I watched the girls work on the house, with no male stares at their bodies. They were comfortable. It wasn't like I'd only have girls in my pack, it wouldn't be a pack without lycans, but at the same time, I wanted the males to respect women. They needed to. 

Even if it was the last thing I'd ever accomplish in my life, I'd make damn sure that women were to be treated with dignity, and not as followers. 


Hello, everyone. 

Thanks for the support I've had for this book, I will always appreciate your comments. 

As an experiment, I started writing a couple of chapters for a completely different book, just to see if I'd like that better, and I really did. I have enjoyed writing this book and the last as well, but I think it's time for a fresh start. Directly when I finish this book, I'll tell you all about my new one. I can reveal some things if you'd like that because I'm kinda excited....

Anyway, this book will have one chapter left. Thank you so much for everything, guys. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

Be safe, always,


SONG: Sleep Paralysis by Bad Suns

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