Chapter 24 - Fighting Back

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"You need to do something for me" I said. 

"Oh really? And what could we possibly get for the Alpha's only daughter that she doesn't already have?"

"I need you to cut the bullshit" I spat. I would not have this disrespect forced upon me just because of my sex. "If I stop this war, you will do something for me. Because you will benefit from it" 

He was agitated, his mind fueled. Like mine. "How could we benefit from a proposal of trying to stop a war?"

"I will stop this war," I argued. "And when I do, you will do me this one favor. I have never asked for anything in my life and this is the first and last. Not only will this war do you damage, it will ruin you

He sighed, and I knew he understood the consequence of his decision. But to be blunt, I'd stop the war even without his consent nor partnership. "Then what do you suggest?" 


"You're a lycan

I shrugged at the fact, looking down at my shoes. Afraid that he might be angry with me, but all his eyes showed were astonishment and clear and utter surprise. I think my mother wasn't as surprised, although she still found it odd of course. But my father... he was beyond thought. He was about to march into war and when he got this news... he just stopped to listen. Never in my life had someone stopped to listen to me like that before.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he asked, turning around to look at me instead of the lake which was his view from the office. He had a difficult time comprehending it, and I understood that. It might have been on his mind before, but he probably just shrugged it off because it would have been impossible. Or so he thought. 

He demanded I shifted the second I spoke my claim. Without arguing, I did, the clothes in pieces over the floor, with his eyes big and fists loosened by his side. 

"There's one more thing," I said as he turned around with slight annoyance. "Don't tell me there's more" 

I ignored that. "When I touch a lycan, their bodies become tired, and they fall asleep. I don't even think they remember what happened when they wake up," I stood from the sofa and watched as my dad stopped his pacing. "And I made a scar disappear. Imagine my surprise?"

Crossed armed, he said, "Never would I think my only daughter would be a lycan," he began. "But the ability to heal? What a contradiction" 

I frowned upon his remark. Healing powers? "Contradiction? What do you mean?" 

He looked down on the floor as if he was gathering his thoughts. Then my father said, "Mates. One with the ability to heal, the other with the power of war. What great irony" 

"Tade?" I questioned. My father frowned. "Do you have any other mate?" he questioned with annoyance. "The Riviera boy is the only link to us in this matter of war. But because he is your mate, it is impossible for us to destroy his pack. We don't have that leverage on him, he'd kill every single one of us. Except you of course."

"Dad, come on," I argued. "If he hurt any of our pack members, I'd never utter a word his way ever again" 

He sat down. "Don't say that, Daisy May" 

"Why?" I argued. "Why do you always try to tell me what to do? It never works out, does it? I'm trying to help you. Why would you try to boss me around when I can actually help you?" 

"I said don't, Daisy", he growled. "You have no idea what soulmates are like. They'll make you do things. Things you never thought you could. Even if he comes in here and kill us all in cold blood, you'd still forgive him. Because that's the bond of mates" he turned around before he said, "Now I want you gone


As my father would say, I was escorted out. But in reality, I fucked over the guards and I rushed out of his office. I didn't shed a tear. I didn't make a fuss. But even though I looked stone cold on the outside, but on the inside, my head was spinning fast. I had just been brought into the midst of war caused by my one true love, I had been molested by my uncle and turned away by my father and everyone else in this world. I was done with this life. 

I was worth more. But I wasn't going to run away. I was going to keep every soul that I once loved out of harm. I was going to show them. And what they have missed out on in all these years. Before I rushed out onto the great field to meet my father's enemies, I rushed to my room to change. Tight black clothes with boots I could run in. My hair tied tight in a braid on my back. I dashed out as soon as I was finished without taking another glance in the mirror. I was ready. No matter what they said. 

I almost didn't see the paper note on my unmade bed. The pictures again. I tried hard to figure out what it meant because a few of the pictures were drawn in such a rush. But I figured it out. 

I will be there

Not really knowing what that meant, I grabbed the note before I ripped it to pieces and threw it out the window. It was better no one saw it. 

The field was filled with my father's men. They tried to stop me from entering the field, but they had no idea what I was capable of. What I think fueled me the most... was the hatred I had for what they all thought of me, that I was some defenseless little girl that needed a dick to feel safe. Feminism was about to be reinvented. At least that was the plan. 

I dove into the realness of it all. It came as a shock to be at first, but I was quick to learn. Even though I had shown my father that I was a lycan and even though I apparently had healing powers, I was still the helpless little creature that everyone left behind. The fight was bloody and raw, people running at each other with weapons, claws and violence. I ran through it, dodged a few bullets but was successfully thrown into the center of the battle. A man tried to tie me down but I ran straight at him, luckily throwing him off and making him land on his back. I didn't check back on him before I ran further to try and find Thaddeus. My mate.

He looked like a fighter. I could see that clearly when he fought my father's men with pride and honor. He kneeled them down to the ground before he slit their throats with his claws. It was awful to see him like this. His face with no emotion, just... cold. 

"Hey!" I yelled out at him in anger. I ran towards him, his face full of anger. "What are you doing here?" he growled at me. I slapped him. "You have no right to talk to me that way or behave like you do. I am here to win this war. That's what I'm doing"

"And which side are you on?" he questioned with his big brown eyes that I had gotten to know so well during the past few days. 

I took a step back from him before I punched his friend in the face. 

"My own



How are you, guys? Alright? I'm deadly tired right now. Sorry for never updating according to schedule but I just write and post, that's kinda what I do. Hope you like this chapter, I didn't really, but I think next one will have a bit more action and stuff. 

Take care 💖


SONG: Punchin' Bag by Cage the Elephant

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