Chapter 35

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River Pov.
I knew O2L wouldn't last forever I just didn't expect for them to end like this.

It was about two days after the agreement and I was currently moving all my things either in a small moving truck the boys had rented for me or into Andreas car.

My room started to feel more and more empty and the memories that went with it seemed to disappear.

"You alright kiddo?" Kian walked in and the first thing I looked at was his hand that had been wrapped up in bandages. He noticed me looking and spoke again, "It's really not that bad." He smiled and I nodded.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to miss this place." I walked up to my bed frame that still hadn't been moved and pushed it off of the wall to reveal seven hand prints.

"It's still here." Kian spoke gazing at the hands. "We did this when you woke up from the crash in this room. You were so scared and you didn't know who we were so to show you that we weren't weirdos we asked you if you wanted to play a game. We started painting and then you put your hand on the wall accidentally trying to not fall over, once you saw what you did you seemed scared we were going to yell at you but we all got up and put our hands in a row." Kian looked down.

"I'll take a picture of it." I took out my phone and took a picture. "It will never be the same as it is in person though." I looked at the picture and put my phone in my back pocket.

"Well.. Keep on going with the boxes. I'll bring down the desk with Jc soon and the boys can get the drawers and bed frame." I nodded and grabbed a box heading downstairs.

"Hey, there's someone outside for you." Andrea walked in from the front door and went upstairs.

I walked outside and immediately saw Jack G and Madison.

"Here I can take this." Jack G took the box out of my hands and Madison ran into my arms.

"You scared me." She eventually pulled back and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" I replied.

"Me too" I look to my side to see Jack J and my heart immediately sped up.

I ran up to him jumping into his arms.

"I thought you hated me." I whispered into his ear and he pulled back.

"I could never hate you." I spoke again.

"Please don't ever do something stupid like that again." Madison spoke and walked into the house. Jack G followed her after putting the box in the rental truck.

"Are you okay with the boys going their separate ways?" Jack J asked me gripping onto my hand.

"It's good for the boys. They're happy."

"But are you okay with it?" I looked at him while he spoke and shook my head.

I could feel the tears filling my eyes.

He pulled me close and the tears ran down my face.

"I'm always here for you." Jack spoke again and pulled back wiping the tears off my face.

"What are you two up to? Come help." Jack G called out as he walked out the house with three boxes piled on top of each other and Madison coming out with some of my clothes.

Madison put my clothes neatly in Andreas car and came up to me. "Don't listen to him." She laughed, "Everything is basically done so just do what you need to." She gave me another hug and walked back to Jack G.

"It's too bad that you and the boys missed out on the party the other night." Jack J spoke and I looked the other way.

"Yeah, too bad."

"Oi! Fucker junior come help me over here!" Kian yelled out at Jc.

"Why am I Fucker junior?!" Jc yelled back.

"Because River is Fucker number one!" I laughed as I heard the boys coming down the stairs with my desk dismantled in two parts.

"River, we are going to get rid of the desk and bed frame and take them to the dump later. Andrea brought you new ones." Ricky came over.

Great. More memories being taken away from me.

"Fresh start is always good." I spoke trying to force a smile.

Sam and Connor soon came down with my drawers and put them in the dump pile too.

I wondered how Andrea set up my room and why I was getting rid of the things that made me feel more at home.

"I have to go but I'll text you tonight and see if we can catch up tomorrow." Jack spoke and I nodded at him. He gave me a hug and pulled me in for a quick peck on the lips while the boys weren't looking.

He then left and soon so did Madison and Jack G.

"You ready?" Andrea called walking out of the house.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

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