Chapter 37

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River Pov.
"I love it even more." I brushed a piece of hair off my face. "How about if it was a girl?"

"Well I thought mayb-" Andrea was cut off by the man bringing us our wraps and waters.

"Enjoy!" He grinned and walked away.

"I was thinking maybe Constance."

"As in the Lake Constance in Germany?" I asked straight away.

"That one exactly." She picked up her wrap and raised it to her mouth and took a bite.

"That's my favourite Lake because it reminds me of my name." I smiled and took a bite of my food.

"I know. You talk about it a lot." She let out a laugh. "It reminded me of you and I always want to be reminded of you." She looked at me thoughtfully.

"You picked Constance because of me?"

"Yeah" she simply replied.

"Wow, thank you so much Andrea."

"Well it's not like I'm pregnant or even close to starting a family but I really like those names." I saw Andreas eyes trail off to the family near us again.

She looked so complete when she stared towards them.

"Why not now?" I asked her and she looked at me shocked. "I mean what is stopping you?" I continued.

"My YouTube career and who even knows what is happening with Kian right now. Who knows if I will even start a family with Kian." She sighed, "I think a family is way out of the question." Andrea pushed her food away with a lost of appetite.

I crawled into bed and pulled the sheets to my chin.

"Hey, just coming to say goodnight." Andrea spoke quietly.

"Goodnight Andrea." I sat up in my bed. "Thank you again."

"Stop saying thank you." She let out a laugh.

"I don't think I can say thank you enough for what you have done for me." She walked towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Goodnight." She kissed me on the head and exited the room.

I felt warm and comfortable.

Was this how it felt to have a mum that tucked you in every night and said their good nights with a kiss on your cheek before you went to sleep every night?

I smiled to myself and laid back down, wrapping myself in my blankets.

I closed my eyes ready for a peaceful sleep until my phone went off. I answered it thinking it could be one of the boys saying goodnight to me. Instead I saw Jack J had texted me.

Jack J: Told you I would text you tonight ;)

River: It's one in the morning

I sent the message and Jack replied almost straight away.

Jack J: Hush. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow night?

River: I'd have to see what Andrea is doing but I'll text you in the morning, okay? X

Jack J: For sure. You should send "X" in your messages more often.. Gives me chills ;) xx

I laughed to myself, "What an idiot." I spoke aloud.

River: xxxxxxxxxxx

Jack J: You must really want to kiss me.

River: I'm going to go to bed now xx

Jack J: Goodnight River X

River: Goodnight Jack X

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