Girl Crush

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Author's Note: Hey! Feel free to comment! :) Hope you guys enjoy the story!


Take her back please.

She's staring at the door handle, contemplating if she should open it and jump out and run. Although that probably wouldn't be a good idea, she won't even make it to the airport, not when she didn't know how to navigate her way through this city.

They're currently on their way to their new apartment which, from what she heard, is pretty luxurious. People are rushing back and forth just a few feet from them. The men clad in suites and the women dressed up in coats were moving much faster than the cars. They unfortunately got caught in the middle of a heavy traffic, then again New York City was known to be notorious for its slow traffic flow.

She glances at her mom on the other side of the car and sighs loudly. The woman continues to read her paperwork, not sparing her a glance. She sighs more loudly a second time, then a third time, then a- until her mom finally looks at her. The older woman gives her a look and takes her reading glasses off.

"Honey, we talked about this." She stares at her mother as if maybe she'd change her mind about the move at the last minute. "This job is... it's not for me. It's for us... Give it some time." 

She stays silent and glances at the rearview mirror to see the driver looking at her, probably thinking the same thing; she's just giving her mother unnecessary stress. After all, it's not like the woman had a choice. They had to move.

"Sorry mom, it's just... when can I go back and visit?" 

Her mother gives her a sad smile and reaches over to brush her hair out of her face. "Maybe in a few weeks... for Christmas." 

She nods slightly and bites her lip. She could live with that, it's better than not being able to go visit at all. "Okay." 

Although she's far from okay. Who would be when your whole life suddenly changes in such a short amount of time and forced to leave everything behind. Sure she was happy for her mom when she heard the news but she just couldn't bring herself to be truly happy, not when her mom added that they had to move.

It's only been a few days but she already misses her friends.


The beach. 


The beautiful boardwalk. 

Just the whole familiarity of her hometown. 

Heck, she even misses the grumpy old lunch lady who somehow always manages to miss her plate during lunch time. 

To her, life back home was perfect. The word to remember, was.  

And the fact that she left three months into the school year made the whole situation even worse. 


"I know you're feeling miserable right now." Says her best friend over the phone. "But it's not really that bad. We can still visit each other."

She's lying on her stomach on her new bed, which is in her favorite color; blue. Actually, her whole room is customized to fit to her liking. All the furniture is white while the room is colored blue. She even has a huge ass walk-in closet! Not to mention that they're living in a penthouse with two floors. She sighs, it's still not home though.

"What do you expect me to do? Pretend to be happy and embrace this just like that? This will take some time- No, it'll take a huge amount of time before I even get used to living here! I don't even know anyone! All my life I've gone to the same school with YOU guys! And now I have to-" 

"V!" She quickly draws the phone away from her ear and glares at it. "Okay first, calm down." She's not freaking out but takes a deep breath anyway.

"Second, you gotta own it tomorrow. Trust me when I say that first impressions last. Stop being all whiny." She rolls her eyes, easy for Jen to say. She isn't the one who moved thousands of miles away from home. "This isn't who you are."

"The Veronica I know doesn't let herself be depressed by anything. She owns it and rocks it! She's the one who is nice to everyone and always lights up a room. She always has a smile on her face and in turn puts a smile on people's faces... So can you do me a favor V?" 

A small smile slowly creeps up its way on her face and she holds the phone tighter in her hand. She nods her head, forgetting that her best friend's on the phone and can't see her.

"Do yourself a favor. Put a smile on your face and rock it girl! You're in freakin' NEW YORK CITY for goodness sakes!" Veronica laughs, a grin taking over.

Jen's right. There's no time to be all sad and depressed, this is a new page in her life. And she can visit her friends anyway, so what is she doing eating this tub of ice cream and acting all gloomy? It's not like it's the end of the world. Life is giving her some lemons and she has to squeeze them and make some awesome lemonade! 

"Yeah!" She stands up with a determined face. "I'm making myself some lemonade!" 

She rolls over laughing after hearing Jen's confused rant about how she just totally ignored her speech.

She isn't certain about the future. But what she is certain about is that she will get through whatever life throws at her. She's done it before, she can do it again.


A/N: Now on to the next chapter!

Love, ArtGuirl

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