Chapter 22 - A Mother's Love*

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Chapter 22: A Mother's Love*


Our house appears into view from the car window. The tall windows uncharacteristically gleaming with bright warm lights, signaling that she is indeed home. Mom always has to make a statement one way or another. I let out a frustrated sigh, this wasn't how I imagined ending the long weekend.

"Welcome back, Miss Rachel." Beatrice, the head maid, smiles as she opens the door for me. "Your mother is waiting in Angel's room. She asked me to tell you to meet her as soon as you arrived."

I run a hand down my face, still pretty exhausted from the trip. I don't have the energy for this. "Do I have to?"

"I believe you do, Miss."

I groan. "Okay, okay. Just so I can get this over with."

She gives me an understanding smile. After years of working for the family, she pretty much knows our dynamic. I give her my bag and make my way to the familiar room, taking a deep breath before I knock on the door. I hear a muffled 'come in' from inside and I begrudgingly open the door.

She's sitting on one of the love chairs, holding Angel in her lap, softly stroking her fluffy white fur. A fitting image for a villain. She looks me up and down and purses her lips in disapproval.

"Rachel your outfit doesn't match at all. What if one of my friends saw you at the airport! You know they're always traveling."

I fight the urge to drag my hand across my face, taking a deep breath instead.

"Beatrice said you wanted to see me?"

She sighs. "Everything has to be so straightforward with you. Just like your father."

I stare at her. I just want this to be over with.

"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm moving back in."

I scoff at her. "Why? Are you taking a break from ruining other people's marriages?"

She laughs, stroking Angel's back. "Oh Rachel, you know that's not my fault."

"Look, Rachel. I'm your mother, and you're living under my roof. I'd suggest you fix your attitude if you want to keep your privileges."

I grit my teeth, exhaling through my nose. She's done that before and I know she won't hesitate to do it again.

"Does father know you're back?" I say, changing the subject.

She smirks, looking down at Angel to stroke her fur. "Yes. We've agreed to an... Arrangement."

"Which is?"

"Don't bother yourself with our issues Rachel. That's between me and your father."

"Welcome back then. I'll be in my room." I give her an obviously fake smile, turning to leave.

"One more thing. We've been invited for dinner by the Griswolds. This may be a good business opportunity for the company so make sure you clear your schedule on Wednesday."

So this is why she's back. She smelled another opportunity for more money and power.

"So it's a business meeting. Why do I need to go?"

"Oh honey, the whole reason we were invited was because of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Ethan thinks that his son hasn't been on top of his game and it may have something to do with you."

"Alex and I are done."

"Rachel... I hope you realize that this isn't optional for you. Plus, it's just dinner."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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