Chapter 10 - Aftermath

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Chapter 10: Aftermath


Trying to eat my lunch peacefully seems like an impossible task since everyone in the table keeps staring. Well, I don't really blame them because who wouldn't be surprised when you see THE Rachel White arriving to school with me, the girl she's always bullying.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight." Sam starts. "You" He points at me. "Slept over at your place." He points at Rachel. "And nobody got hurt?"

Rachel gives him a 'so what?' look and continues to eat her food. Sam leans back on his chair and starts laughing with Will joining in.

"Glad the two of you are getting along." Melissa chimes in. Kent nods his head and puts his arm around her.

I feel myself blush, yesterday was actually pretty great. Well, it's the nicest that Rachel's been to me actually. She even genuinely seemed concerned when she asked if I was okay. I guess it's safe to say that we're frenemies!

"Oh look, V's blushing!" Sam says from across me.

"Awww"s can be heard from around the table which makes me blush more.

"Okay so is everyone going to shut up or am I gonna have to make you guys do?" Rachel glares at Sam. I see him visibly gulp and retracts back to his phone.

"We were doing a project." Rachel says before glaring directly at me, causing me to flinch and spill the milk I was drinking. Oh, and I start coughing it too.

"Oh my god, V are you okay?" Allison pats my back with concern.

"Yeah-" I keep coughing. "I'm *cough* okay. *cough*"

The devil's just watching me, smirking, happy that she made me choke on my drink. But that smirk is just so hot- Oh fuck my life.


It's time for cheerleading practice and I'm so glad I keep an extra uniform in my locker, seeing as I never got to go home last night.

Last night. I remember seeing Rachel's portrait of me. It was so accurate. Which is why I don't really think she's a bad person. How can something so beautiful be created by someone that's not? On the inside I mean. But she just seems so... angry. But at what?

"You." I hear the she-devil herself say from behind me. I turn around with a grimace.

"What's up Rachel?"

"Are you still planning on finishing the painting?"

"I told you Rachel, it's already done."

"I look like a potato."

You're far from looking like a potato Rachel. You're a goddess. You're-

"You're so beautiful." Oh my god I just said that out loud.

Rachel looks taken aback before she smirks at me. "I didn't know you had a crush on me Heath."

Okay I'm pretty sure I'm as red as a tomato right now. "N- no I don't. What're you talking about? I mean- yeah okay your face is definitely one of the nicer ones but-" I clear my throat. "Shouldn't we start practice now? Okay bye!"

I power walk to where the squad is and mentally smack myself for not having a filter. I see Allison giving me a questioning look and I give her a reassuring smile. A minute later Rachel and Melissa signal the start of our warm up. Starting with stretches, which gets me a full view of Rachel's... Oh damn it.



"Okay listen up! We have a game coming up this weekend and we need to make sure our routine is flawless by then!" Melissa claps her hands together, clearly excited for the upcoming game. It's been a while since we got to perform.

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