Chapter 12 - Cherry and Alcohol

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Chapter 12: Cherry and Alcohol

Hey everyone! And again thank you for all the comments and votes. You guys are the best!

Enjoy the new chapter ;)



It was the big game tonight and we're currently on our way to the after party, a big one supposedly, since we won. I don't really know anything about soccer but I do know that Sam and Will kicked ass back there.

Right now I'm just glad that I'm riding with Melissa and Kent since Rachel's with the others in another car. I've been avoiding her like the plague for the past 2 days. Except for practice where we basically pretend the other doesn't exist. I drop my head on my lap. I know that pouring food on me was foul but what I said to her was worse.

According to Sam, Rachel doesn't have the best relationship with her family and it's always been a touchy subject. I definitely crossed the line when I called her out in front of so many people like that.

I don't even know why I snapped. This week has literally been a roller-coaster. From sleeping over at Rachel's to having a fight in the courtyard, I don't even know how to feel about any of it at this point.

"You okay back there?" Kent says, looking at me from the rear view mirror.

Melissa turns around in the passenger's seat and smiles at me before extending her hand. I take it. She really does act like our older sister.

"Come on. Just have fun tonight. 'kay?"

I smile back at her and try to take my mind off of the girl that's been invading my thoughts since day one.


It looks like we're late because when we arrive, there's like hundreds of kids already partying in the backyard, owned by one of the soccer players. Apparently, his parents are gone for the weekend and I can see the team took full advantage of that.

We walk through the crowd and I feel the music pumping in my chest. We spot Allison and I laugh when she runs to me and pulls me inside the house. People are dancing and drinking everywhere and I wouldn't be surprised if there were illegal substances here.

Allison pulls me to the makeshift bar near the kitchen where all kinds of bottles are lined up beside a tub of ice. She grabs two cups and pours whatever's on the table in them.

"To winning! And for giving every guy in that field a boner!" This makes me choke on my drink and I end up gulping everything down.

"Oh my god V! I was just kidding! But seriously, the crowd was awesooomeee!" She emphasized the last word and I chuckled at how drunk she was.

"Damn you're really drunk Aly!" I say feeling my cheeks get warmer. That drink was really strong.

She downs her drink and pours us another round. I gape at her. This girl is going all out.

"Uh, I think I'm good with just one for now."

She raises her eyebrow at me, contemplating if she should push it or not. She shrugs her shoulders mouthing an 'okay' before downing both of the cups. I just watch her in horror.

"I'm gonna go look for Sam. See ya later V!" She says and runs off into the crowd of dancing people before I can even stop her.

I navigate my way around the crowd to look for a restroom and end up in a hallway. I finally find one and as I'm about to leave someone bumps into me. Oh how lucky, it's Rachel.

"Uh... hi."

She just looks at me and looks up. Annoyed and just waiting for me to leave. We do an awkward thing where we try to move past each other without touching, which is impossible since the entrance is so small.

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