Chapter 9 - Here kitty, kitty

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Chapter 9: Here kitty, kitty

Veronica's POV

"You brought me out here... to play with your cat?"

Rachel looks at me questioningly. "Doesn't everyone like cats? I don't particularly like it but Allison goes crazy for it."

The cat watches me from the doorway of the massive cat house it's in as I bend down and extend my hand, it continues to observe me while nonchalantly swaying its tail. This cat looks as spoiled as the Queen Bee, but not as adorable though. I mentally smack my head for being such a hopeless case even after crying earlier in the bathroom. I mentally smack my head another time because I let Rachel see me tear up, she definitely noticed it. A meow suddenly chimes in and I feel a small tap on my hand.

I look at the fluffy white ball of cuteness in front of me, reaching out to my hand with its paw. It's so adorable! Moving a little closer, I take out my keys and shake it in front of the cat. It starts trying to grab them without much success. Rachel's on her phone, not bothering to play with her own cat, which doesn't really surprise me. I see one of the cat toys on the ground and throw it at her. Okay, I didn't mean to hit her there.

"Ow! My nose! Are you asking for a death wish, Heath?" She strides over to me. For a second I get scared for my life until she starts trying to push me over with her foot.

"Hey! What are you doing! Ew no, your shoes are dirty!" I say as I struggle to keep upright.

"What're you gonna do about it?"

"Rachel come on! You're acting like a kid."

"Who threw a toy at me in the first place?" She says as she continues to push me with her foot. "I better hear an apology in 3! 2! 1!"

"Okay! Okay! Fine, I'm sorry for hitting you with a cat toy that literally weighed like, nothing!"

She lets out a satisfied huff and glares at me. "Good."

Seriously, Rachel acts like the biggest child sometimes. She may be the Queen Bee, and yeah okay, she can actually be scary. But to be honest I find it really cute that she does that, but that's not the point. I need to set my foot down so she can start respecting me.

I look back at the cat house and shake my keys. "Here kitty, kitty."

"Uhhhh... Rachel where's your cat?"

"What do you mean? You were playing with it."

"Uh." I look inside the cat house again. "She's not here."

"What do you mean it's not there? Go check again. It likes to hide."

I look around the room we were in, it was the cat's personal room. I only notice the trophies and awards won by Rachel's cat, oh her name's Angel.

"Angeeeel" I coo. Shaking my keys again while walking around the room, hoping to make her come out.

"Did you leave the door open?" She asks.

"Maybe she ran off outside?"

"WHAT?! She's not allowed to go out." Rachel says as she frantically runs out the door.

I run after her, shaking my keys and calling after Angel as well. We run around the whole mansion trying to call the little cutie. It's almost midnight when we decide to take a break in their kitchen.

"This is your fault."

I gape at Rachel, really? "What do you mean? You probably scared her when you started attacking me."

"Who threw something at me out of nowhere?"

"Well, it was only 'cause you were ignoring Angel. She needed some love."

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