Chapter 20 - Malibu Nights (Part Two)

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Chapter 20: Malibu Nights (Part Two)


Was that all a dream?

Last night was... Well, it was amazing to say the least. Was I ready for it? Nope. Not at all. Not in a million years did I even think Rachel White would kiss me like that and then look at me the way she did.

I check my phone. It's 12pm. I reach out to Ashley's side of the bed, only to find it empty. I stretch my arms above my head before dragging myself out of bed. Ignoring the mild hangover from last night, I head to the bathroom. We're going on a yacht trip today, and that means being stuck in the middle of the ocean with Rachel. All day. Oh crap.

I scroll through my phone and tap Jen's name.

"Well look who's finally calling me back!" Her face pops up on screen. I see her cat, Puma, sleeping soundly behind her on the bed.

"But we literally talked, like, a week ago." I pout at her.

"Anyway, what's up V?"

"Jen! Oh my god!"

She sighs. "What did you do to the ice queen this time?"

"We kissed. Rachel and I kissed. We kissed! On the lips! And she didn't even run away. I gave her my jacket. Oh my god it was a one time thing wasn't it? She's probably-"

"V! Hold up. You gotta chill out... I'm gonna need you to tell me what's going on without. Freaking. Out. Got it?"

I exhale through pursed lips and tell her about our weekend and the heart-stopping kiss. All the while, her responses have been filled with gasps and 'damn girl's.

"Oh my god, V! How do you feel?" She squeals on the other side of the phone screen. I see Puma's ears stand at alert.

I sigh and smile at the thought. "I don't know! I mean- I'm super happy about it. But I'm also scared because I never know what she's thinking."

Hear laughter blares from my phone.
"Well let's set one thing straight... She's definitely not straight."

"Does that mean I have a chance?"

"Girl I think that's a given. This is like, what, you're third kiss? You'd have to be dumb to not realize she's interested in you too."

I stare at my phone, motionless. Letting the fact sink in.


"V? Are you frozen?"

" you really think she likes me?"

"Can I please just remind you how much of a ten you are? Did you forget? So many people had a crush on you back here!"

"But this is Rachel White..."

"Yes. Rachel White who's literally just a normal high school girl."

I raise an eyebrow at her.

"...Okay fine, a normal high school girl with money... Who's also really pretty." She says defeatedly. "But she'd be crazy not to be attracted to your charm!"

I slowly exhale. "I'm in trouble."

"No duh. Okay lover girl. Let's work on your game plan today. Starting with a thrist trap outfit."

The next hour is spent choosing what I should wear. It doesn't even take that long since I literally only have 3 choices left. I decide to go with a white bohemian dress that stops midway down my thighs. For my swimsuit, we go with a red two-piece bikini. One of the two outfits I bought for the trip.

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