Chapter 11 - Downhill

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Chapter 11: Downhill

Happy Weekend everyone! Here's the new chapter to Girl Crush. xoxo



What do I see in Rachel?

Is the only thing on my mind on the way home. The driver seems to notice my never ending sighs because at one point during the ride he asks me if school's been rough. I just smile and tell him that I'm just really tired from cheerleading practice. Which is true in a way, I had to do extra practice and was shoved hard. I say that's pretty tiring, physically AND emotionally.

So what do I see in Rachel?

I think about the other girl. Well, aside from her good looks and perfect physique what else is there to like? I scoff. Honestly, I do admire her as a captain, she may be a bit mean sometimes but I see how dedicated she is. Not only in cheerleading, but in her academic life as well.

We arrive at the apartment and I honestly can't wait to get to my room. Mom's not home yet so I opt to order some Chinese food for us. I rush upstairs to my bed and dive straight for it. Ah yes, this is the good life. I let out a deep breath and let my thoughts drift back to the brunette.

Despite being perfect on paper, that's not the main thing that draws me to Rachel. I like how cute she is whenever she gets annoyed or competitive. The way she held on to me like a child when we were at the haunted mansion was the cutest I've seen her. I laugh at the memory, she'd kill me if I told the others that.

Not to mention how amazing she is at painting. Only a beautiful mind can create something beautiful like that. Right?

I groan. Damn it, every expression, every movement, every reaction, everything she does affects me so much... I cover my face with a pillow and groan louder.


"You need to stop whatever this infatuation is V. I'm worried about you." Jen says on the screen.

We're video calling and she's been pushing me to get over the 'Rachel-flu' as she calls it.

"Or maybe!" She claps her hands. "you just need to get it out of your system!"

"...what do you mean by get it out of my system?" My eyes squint at her suspiciously.

"I don't know, like go kiss her or something. You'll see that you don't even really like-like her. It's just the fact that she's the unattainable 'hottest girl in school' that has you pining for her."

"K-kiss her?" My cheeks immediately burn up at the image of me kissing Rachel's naturally rosy lips. "Oh my god no!"

"Well, it's up to you V. That's my take on it."

I bury my face in the bed sheets. I can't even give her a pat on the back without her giving me a death stare.

"That's not exactly possible."

"Then just move on and go find someone else then."

My thoughts immediately go to Ashley and how she confessed to me the other night. The way her lips were trembling while she was doing it made me want to just hug her and tell her that 'yes okay, we can start over' but instead, I told her I just wanted to be friends. Because I didn't have feelings for her anymore. And it wouldn't be right to use Ashley like that.

I say goodbye to Jen when the food arrives and contemplate what to do with Rachel. Obviously, I need to stop pining for someone who isn't even nice to me. I run my hand through my hair in aggravation. I've been telling myself this over and over for so long!

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