Chapter 1- Shopping

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°^^ Alley^^°

Alley's P. O. V

Beep beep

I heard the infuriating sound of my alarm clock resounding around the room, waking me from my extremely peaceful slumber.

I groaned as I lazily dragged myself out of bed.

Why was I dumb enough to leave my alarm on for the weekend!?

I hated waking at 7 in the morning, especially on the weekends. Like who the hell does that? Oh right, silly me.

As I was about to head to the bathroom to clean myself I heard the ringtone from my phone blasting around the room.

I found my phone sitting on my bedside table, attached to its charger. I unplugged it before sliding across the screen to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered grumpily, without looking at the caller's ID.

I couldn't care less who I was speaking with; I was still upset for being awake at this hour.

"Alley get your ass out of bed! We're going shopping today for a party tonight!" I heard one of my best friends, Kaylee yell at me on the other line.

We've been best friends from we were about 5 years old. Our parents were friends so yeah, we were also friends. Cliche, I know.

She had dark brown hair and brown eyes that contributed to her beauty. The tiny girl was feisty and couldn't take no for an answer. She could persuade you to do just about anything. She once persuaded me flirt with a guy at an ice-cream cart so we could get free ice-creams. Needless to say it didn't end well. Don't get me wrong, I'm decent when it came to flirting but the guy seemed to be on his man period that day and ended up smashing the cart in anger.

I internally laughed as the memory flashed before my eyes.

Kaylee was quite a talker. She talked so much that sometimes even I couldn't compete. She was always one step ahead with all the gossips and would always rant about them. She was pretty carefree, but quite a handful to deal with.

"A? You still there?" Kaylee's voice broke me out of my reverie.

"Uh-yeah. Kay I'm not up for torturing my feet today. I'm tired an-" She cut off all my excuses before I could worm my way out of this one like I had done the last three times.

"Nope! Today you will come. I'll drag your body and tie it to the car if I must!" She lamely threatened.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "Yeah right. Like you could actually manage me."

I heard her scoff before replying, "That's what Lola and Amelia are for."

"But-" I tried again but was cut off. Again.

"No buts. I'm coming over at 10 so put on something decent. I would prefer not to have to drag you there in nothing but your pyjamas." She said leaving no room for disagreement.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said she was pretty convincing. After realizing that I won't be winning this one, I decided to cave in and play dress up for the day.

"Fine." I gave in and hung up.

Talk about peer pressure, eh?

I slowly dragged my feet to the bathroom to get ready. Thirty  minutes later I stepped out, finally looking like a decent human and not a hobo.  I dug up my drawers for a pair of white shorts and a simple red blouse.

I Can't Believe I Fell For A Vamp...Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα