Chapter 26- Wait- Jail? And- Breaking?

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Alley's POV

Jail. That was what I had gotten myself into.

Sitting in a jail cell was definitely not how I had imagined my evening to turn out. Yup, that's right, my idiotic vampire boyfriend got us caught by the police. How? I'd love to know myself.

"C'mon A, you can't deny that it was still fun." For the umpteenth time he tried talking to me but as expected, I glared at him.

"This is fun? Sitting in a cell? Locked up? Vandalism is a big deal for my record y'know. I'm so gonna kill you once we get out of here." I threatened at the end, speaking for the first time since we got here thirty minutes ago.

"Now now sweetheart, I don't think that's a threat you should be making in a police station." A familiar voice teased. I looked up to see my friends, all with  amusement plastered on their faces. It was Amelia who had spoken.

"Hey guys." I rushed to the grill with a relieved sigh. "How'd you know we were here?" I questioned suspiciously.

Earlier when Jake and I got our phone call we couldn't reach anyone we thought we could.

Austin smirked, "You can let them out now Billy." Instead of answering me, he waved over the police officer that had us placed in these cells.

The Billy cop smirked, "Had fun kids?" He questioned once he opened the cell, letting us out.

"Oh I'm giving you all five seconds head start before I pounce." I warned, sending each and everyone a glare.

No one took me seriously.

"One." I began counting. "Two." I continued and their eyes widen a fraction after realizing I was dead serious, but still, no one moved. "Three." That's when all hell broke loose and everyone took off running out of the police station in different directions, despite the constant shouts from officers, trying to control a bunch of teenagers.

"I'm gonna slaughter you guys!" I screamed, finally dashing in a direction some went.

I caught up with Kaylee first and pinned her to the ground.

"No! Not me! I was a victim like you A! Please!" She squirmed and screamed under me, but I only smirked.

"Too late sweetheart." I mocked.

Okay so how about I give you a brief on what had transpired.

Jake and I went to the hardware to buy pain, spray paint, brush and later bought glitter at a store. After, he dragged me to the back of the mall, out of public eyes and security cameras.

"What now?" I had asked, staring at the blank white wall before my eyes, with hesitation.

"Now we decorate." He smirked evilly.

He went before me and started painting an acronym, YOLO, to be specific. It was great art, honestly. I then follow suit and applied the glitter. Next I painted hearts around it, as that was probably the only thing I could draw neatly. I wasn't going to lie and say it was not fun, because it was. Well, that was until we heard sirens getting nearer.

I panicked and glanced at Jake who still seemed nonchalant and was painting a star.

"Idiot, the police are coming! Get me out of here now!" I had screamed at him.

"Just a little more."

He continued painting the star, taking his time like we had all the damn time in the world.

By the time he made the last stroke, it was too late. The police car pulled up in front of us and I panicked. I grabbed Jake's hand and started pulling him to run, but the police stopped us. Finally, we gave in and allowed ourselves to be dragged into the back of a police car.

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