Chapter 22- Mate?

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Alley's POV

"So what's your plan for this wonderful Sunday?" Jake asked me over the phone.

"I don't know. I was thinking I would go explore the town. Go out for lunch maybe, and enjoy myself a little." I replied, lying on my back and staring at my ceiling while playing with my hair.

"I'd be happy to join you but there's an issue that needs resolving." He replied.

"That's okay. I'll be able to have some time to myself which would be good."

"What's on your mind, Al?" Jake asked with worry.

"No need to worry. I'm fine. I'm only human, and despite having you in my life now I still enjoy the moments when it's just me." I answered.

"Uh- okay then. I didn't know you were like that."

"Yeah. I like my solitude at times."

"You really are one complicated soul." Jake joked and I laughed.

"Congratulations! Ladies and gentlemen we finally have a winner. Mr. Jake Knight!" I announced dramatically. We both boomed in laughter at that.

"And silly." He added.

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"Whatever. Go do Prince duty while I do Alley duty. See ya at school tomorrow." I said after sobering from laughing.

"Vale princesa. Adios."
(OK princess. Goodbye)


We hung up after bidding farewell.

I literally flicked off my bed and went to my closet. I changed into a pair of black shorts and paired it with a red blouse and matching flats. I combed through my hair and applied lip gloss before grabbing my purse and exiting. On my way out I passed Chris.

"Hey I'm going out. Be back in about two hours." I announced, noticing it was a few minutes pass 12.

"Alright sis." He waved off, paying attention to the screen in front of him.

I decided to walk and just enjoy the cool March air. It was actually almost April which means spring break is coming up soon. As for our plans, we're not sure as yet.

I walked into a café and went to the cashier.

"Hi welcome to Luna's café, how may I help you?" The cashier chirped.

"One large hot chocolate please, with a sundae pie." I ordered and paid before receiving my ticket.

I collected my order and turned around almost knocking into someone.

"Phew. I'm so sorry. That was really close." I apologized.

"It's cool." A male voice replied. I looked up slowly, only to realize that a very attractive guy was standing in front of me. There was an instant feeling nagging at me about him. His electric blue eyes stared at me leaving me frozen in spot.

He smiled a cute smile at me. "Hot choco in the middle of the day." He motioned to my drink with a teasing smile.

"Anytime, anywhere. There's no rule about when it should be consumed." I defended with a teasing smile of my own.

I walked around him and went to sit in an empty corner booth. I didn't even realize he was following me until he sat across from me with a strawberry milkshake. Who knew they sold these here?

"I'm Luke, by the way." He outstretched his hand from across the table.

"Alley." I placed my hand into his and immediately withdrew it as electricity shot up my arms.

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