Chapter 6- Hanging out

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Alley's P.O.V

You know how one simple sentence could make you feel totally different? Well that was happening to me right now. I felt.... I don't know.... Could Jake really like me?

"Really?" I asked.

I just didn't believe he liked me. No, he wouldn't. He was just a friend. Right?

A friend who brought you chocolate and wanted to see you smile more than anything. Yeah, right.

"Obviously!" They all screamed at me.

""Besides, why the hell would he keep giving you chocolates!?" Lola added.

"He was practically kissing her ass for a smile." Kay added.

"And he does nothing but stare and smile at her." Selena made her input.

Yeah, yeah. Voice my thoughts why don't you!?

"So Se, what do you think about Mark?" I asked Selena but was looking at Amelia who just smiled at me.

"What do you mean? I think he is funny, cute, hot and I actually like him." Answered Se.

"As?" Kaylee pressed.

"A friend of course. It's too early to think otherwise. I just broke up with Bryan and I really don't want anything thinking he is a rebound." She shrugged.

"The two of you were missing at lunch." I teased.

"Just like you were missing at lunch a few days before. Jake was no where to be seen either." She shot back.


"Anywho, tomorrow we'll be hanging out with the boys. Jake said he'll text me the details so I'll inform you."

We ended up chatting some more, watched a movie, joked around and played a few games. At about 12 decided to call it a night and to bed in our sleeping bags on the carpeted floor.


I woke up with a smile on my face. I had no if it was because there was a possibility that Jake liked me or because we were  all hanging out today.

Why did I care anyway? Why couldn't he stop consuming my thoughts? No one has ever taken over my mind like he was doing now. I found it difficult to think without thinking about the dude and I had no idea why, but it was frightening.

I looked at my brand new iPhone to see that I've received a message from Jake and messages from a group of the girls and I.

We had all woken up earlier to clean us our mess. My friends went home after, while Selena and I went to our room. I had no idea when it happened, but it turned out I fell back asleep.

>> Jake<<
Good morning, beautiful.

I smiled once I read Jake's message.

Good morning.

You girls fancy coming to watch us play today and then celebrate after our victory? The football match starts at 12.

Cocky much? But sure. You'll definitely be seeing us cheering in the stands.

Not even a minute later he replied.

Yeah. Can't wait to see you☺.

You know, you were in my dreams last night though.

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