Chapter 2 ~ Well, that WAS a surprise!

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"I-I-I'm S-Sorry..." I stuttered, staring up at the solid boy. 

He laughed, clearly amused with having me on the ground in front of him, tears clouding my eyes. 

"Hi." He chuckled, extending a hand. I took it gladly and he helped me up. I dusted myself off and picked up my backpack which now had one of the straps torn off it. 

"Oh, damn." I mumbled under my breath, studying the bag. 

"Need some help getting home?" He asked, I looked up at him. A kind smile played at his lips and I was going to look like an idiot AND a loner if I didn't take his offer. 

"If you're serious, then yes." Was the best answer I could come up with in that moment.

He chuckled again, running one tattooed hand through his dark, messy hair. 

"Why would I mess around? Don't you think I'm a nice guy?"

"From what people say about you, no. But I would like some help and I would take it from anyone in this moment, even you." I snarled.

"Oh, well, my car is over there." He sighed. 

I picked up my backpack with the strap that had survived and slowly approached the flashy car. There was no doubt that Kory had stolen it. It wasn't rocket science to figure that one out. 

"Nice Car." I smiled sweetly.

"Thanks, Black Market." He looked at the shiny car and then at me "You wouldn't be into that stuff though, your parents run the church choir and shit." 

"Yeah..." I mumbled, opening the door carefully and climbing into the passenger side. 

I looked back at the school to see Ethan and Leslie back there, jaws dropped wide. 

Oh Fudge... I thought to myself as Kory climbed into the drivers seat. 

"So, where to?" He smiled casually as if picking up nerds outside a high school which he vandalized every night was his daily routine. 

"To my house?" I wanted to order him there but it came out as more of a question. Damn you, fear! 

"That's so boring, though!" He whined.

"Don't think I'm spending the day with you!" I snorted.

"Why not? I'm doing you a huge favor right now! That blonde girl over there was looking at you like she was about to bite your head off. Since you were on your own, I decided I'd offer you a lift so you didn't have to face the slut!" He explained.

"OK, fine. A few hours at most." I'd given in to spending a day with Kory Phillips. I was such a fool.


"Thank you, Kory. I had a good time." I giggled. 

I had spent four hours just hanging around with Kory and he didn't seem that bad. He'd bought us both coffee in starbucks and we'd just talked for a while. Then we went to the park and just messed around. He and I were a lot different but he acted like Leslie. I liked it, and assumed Kory and I were now friends. 

"I did too, I don't usually pick up random geeks and take them out for coffee though, you were a once off." He laughed.

"Oh shut up." I mocked hurt and playfully hit him with what remained of my backpack. 

He faked a death, plummeting to the ground and groaning. He gasped and placed a hand to his heart. With his voice deep and raspy he called me over to him. 

"Closer." He demanded, I was almost on top of the boy now and I leant in to hear what he had to say.

"I'M GONNA GET YOU BACK, BITCH!" He yelled, pushing me over on the grass and sitting on top of me.

"Oh wow, this is torture." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. 

Then I felt him begin to tickle me and I did everything in my power to get away from him. 

"I told you I'd get you back!" He grinned, obviously pleased with himself.

And in that moment, it didn't matter how many cars he'd stolen, how many hearts he'd broken, how many joints he'd rolled or how many times he'd been locked up in a cell. We were friends and I didn't have many of them, so I'd keep Kory around.

"It's almost seven, I'll have to head home." I sighed, pushing him off.

"Want me to drive you back?" He offered.

"No, my parents will ask questions. My house is just a few blocks away anyways." I  smiled.

"Okay, see you soon."


"Cammie? Where were you?" My mother called from the kitchen.

"Out with a friend, we were doing homework in Starbucks." I lied.

"Oh...was it Leslie?" She asked, coming out into the hall, a frown spread across her face.

"No...His name is uh...Harvey." Another lie.

"Oh! A new friend!" She squeaked.

"Please, mom. Calm down. I am sixteen." I smiled, starting to make my way to my room.

"How did the test go?" 


"That's my girl!"

I got to my room and checked my phone. 

From: Leslie Connolly :)

When Ethan said 'Surprise' I thought he meant like a present or something. Not him telling me that he used to be a girl!

From: Cam Jones :D 


From: Leslie Connolly :)

Yeah, I know right! I still love him though. Nothing is going to break us apart.

From: Cam Jones :D

That's good. :) I'm glad you're happy with him.

From: Leslie Connolly :)

What was with you and Kory Phillips today?! ;)

From: Cam Jones :D

Nothing, he knocked me over and my backpack tore open so he drove me home. He's nicer than people make him out to be. :)

From: Leslie Connolly :)

He's trouble, Cam. Don't get involved. :/ Anyways, got homework to do. Goodnight <3 

From: Cam Jones :D

See you tomorrow, Les :)

I didn't care what Leslie said. What people thought of Kory was wrong.


Heyoooo. Thank you for all the lovely comments, I apologize for the crappy chapter but I promise it will get better. Picture to the side is Ethan (I just found out yesterday that she's a girl who likes to be mistaken for a boy, she's so pretty!)

Thanks for reading, I love you. 

Bella xx

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