Chapter 4 ~ I don't love you

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Kory's P.O.V ~ 

"KORY!" I received high fives and brofists from every direction. 

"Hey, guys. I missed you little faggots." I smirked. 

"You're the faggot, going all soppy!" My best friend, Sam, stated from across the room. 

"Sam." I smiled.

"Good to have you back." He smiled back.

It was no use high fiving or brofisting Sam. He and I were beyond that stage, all we needed to do was smile to know how glad we were to see each other. Sam had been my best friend since preschool, we did EVERYTHING together. Including moving from England to the United States and joining a gang with a few other British friends and now, some American members too.

We terrorized this town, everyone knew us! It was fun and we often got girls to swoon whenever they saw us. At the moment I was asking myself why the hell i'd chosen Cameron. I could have any girl in the world and I'd spent time with the biggest nerd ever. 

"How has life been while I was gone?" I asked, flopping down on the old threadbare sofa next to Sam. 

"Meh, boring. Karson isn't a good leader, remind us never to put him in place when you have to leave." He chuckled.

"Run, Bitch!" Karson's voice echoed from behind us. 

"Oh shit, you're done for, mate!" I almost pissed myself at the face Sam pulled when he heard Karson, it was hilarious. 

"OH FUCK!" He ran, skinny legs flailing. 

I fell to my knees on the floor in front of the battered old couch and laughed into the floor. Gee, it was good to be back.

"Hey, man." I looked up to see Jason, arm outstretched to help me up from my strange position on the floor. 

"Hey, J." I smiled as I was clapped on the back by the geeky boy. What puzzled me was how Jason could be so quiet when his brother, Jaxon was way too talkative.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear...

"KORY! YOU'RE BACK!" Jaxon tackled me to the floor in a bear hug and almost knocked all the air from my lungs. 

"Woooow...Hey, Jax..." I gasped.


"I bet it was..." I chuckled as Jaxon got off me, I dusted myself off and stood up, extended a hand and helped the red haired lunatic up too. 

"I'm sorry, you just make everything more like a joke than a job, I missed that..." He blushed.

"It's OK, i'm back now." I smiled.

We called our little muddle of friends a 'gang', really it was more like a family of outcasts terrorizing the town for a bit of fun. I had left Karson and T.J in charge while I was gone. Usually they were goofing around, I didn't understand why everyone wanted me back so badly.

"HEEEELP!" Sam yelled from upstairs, I heard things smashing and I sprinted up.

"Where the hell are you guys?" I laughed.

"BEDROOM!" Sam yelped. 

 What the hell? 

Sam was under Karson, red in the face. On top of Karson was T.J and on top of T.J was Cole. I had to laugh at the pile on them on the bed, Sam making strange noises as he struggled from beneath the mob of men. 

When suddenly... 

"Where did they go?" I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't imagining it before-


"Oh shit!" I gasped and laughed at the same time. 

Note To Self: Never leave Sam and Karson in the same room alone...


Cameron's P.O.V

"Hey, Cameron. Wait for us!" Ethan yelled from behind us. 

I stopped in my tracks and painted another fake smile on my face before turning around and looking at the pair of kids behind me. 

Ethan looked embarrassed and hurt, Flora just embarrassed and flustered. I hadn't paid much attention to them while they were on the bus. Maybe I should have though... No, who was I kidding? Ethan would be totally loyal to his girlfriend of three years. 

The three of us strolled into school and as soon as Leslie caught sight of us, multiple emotions crossed her face before she finally decided just to fake a smile.

"How nice to see you, Flora!" Leslie said with so much fake enthusiasm she sounded like a bored elementary school teacher. 

"And you, Les! Wow, I love your hair!" Flora seemed clueless to Leslie's almost plastic smile and carried on talking to her normally, I turned to Ethan.

"Good friends, eh?" 

"I thought they were..." He mumbled.

So good, Ethan knew when his girlfriend was faking. Whenever Flora wasn't looking Leslie would roll her eyes and make mean gestures. 

"Leslie, can we talk?" I smiled sweetly at Flora before leaving for the girl's bathrooms with my best friend. 

As soon as I heard the pink door slam behind us I turned to face her.



Ethan's P.O.V

I was so confused, Flora had told me that her and Leslie made up over the summer and were almost back to normal. I hadn't seen so much hatred in my girlfriend's eyes since that night...

I shuddered, I wasn't going to think about that. I'd made a pact with Leslie to act like it never happened and that's just what I am going to do. I had to act casual towards Flora though.

"So, what's your first class?" Was the best thing I could come up with there and then.

"Ethan, I really don't care about class. Let's bunk. Me and you... There's eh... Something I need to talk to you about..." She looked at the floor. 

Well, double maths or talking to Flora. 

I was going to choose the second option when Cameron tapped me on the back. 

"You. Come. Now." Was all she said as she dragged me by the sleeve of my hoodie. 

Could this day get any weirder?

"Hey, Ethan! Are you coming or what?" Flora looked totally pissed off. 

"Nah, I'll pass." 

God save you, Cameron. I knew that Flora was bad news, but something about those eyes got me to do whatever she asked every single time...


I am proud of this chapter, a little suspense, maybe? I don't know. It's better than my other chapters. I liked writing the different character P.O.V's. Just to let ya'll see into the different character's lives.

Picture to the side is Cameron. 

Song Of The Chapter is...

My Chemical Romance: I don't love you. (Something weird happened with the link so If it's not there.... Go find it XD) 

Which may or may not give you a clue to what Flora did, it's just the song I was listening to while I wrote this... Don't judge me or i'll cut you! 


Thanks for reading, 

I love youu!

Bella xx

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