Chapter 3 ~ 'Lethan'.

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Leslie's P.O.V~

"Wait...What?" I stared at my...boyfriend? I was stunned. 

"Yeah... I never really had the balls to tell you. No pun intended." He sighed, raking his hands through his long hair.

I should have known. Ethan was very feminine, always got picked on for that. He wasn't muscular like normal guys, he was skinny and lanky... But he was MY skinny lanky boy, and I didn't care about his sex. Gender doesn't matter to me. 

"That's fine, Ethan. Just  a bit of a shock, you know?" I smiled kindly, slipping an arm around him and pulling him to me. 

"I'm glad you haven't dumped me after that... I love you, Leslie." He mumbled. 

"I love you too." I giggled, taking one of his pale hands and trailing him along, out of the woods and back onto the footpath that lead back into our small town.

"Do you forgive me for making you wait three years?" 

"Of course I do, I understand how hard that must have been for you." I hugged him once again. I wondered what it would have been like if Ethan had stayed female. We probably would have been best friends. 

"Can I tell Cameron?" I asked.

"Yeah, she doesn't have anyone to tell, I guess." He said nervously.

"That's mean, Cameron's a nice girl. People just avoid her because she has such weird parents." I sighed.

"I do like Cameron, I just think she stares at me a bit too much." Ethan shivered a little.

"Well, can you blame her?" I winked, pushing Ethan against one of the trees along the path and pressing my lips to his. Gender didn't matter when you could have moments like this...

*** THAT NIGHT ***

I was scared, I didn't know how I felt about anything right now.

Was I a lesbian? No, Ethan was male now. 


I gave up trying to figure it out myself and went upstairs to text Cameron about it. Although, she didn't know much about relationships. I decided to text her and tell her about Ethan anyway. I would do homework after that and then wait until my mom got home, I knew I could ask her. 

Most girls wouldn't tell their parents anything, but after my dad died, my mom and I had became closer than best friends. I knew I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me. That's what some girls need to realize. Your mom is the only person who will never EVER judge you or use your secrets against you. 

I picked up my phone and slipped my Spanish books from my satchel. I texted Cam and did Spanish at the same time. She seemed just as surprised as I was. I smirked as I thought about what Ethan had said earlier. 

Maybe that will stop you staring! I thought. 

Then I heard the door slam and my mother call to tell me she was home. I quickly texted goodbye to Cameron and headed downstairs. 



Cameron's P.O.V

Ethan was a girl? Am I a lesbian?! No, I don't like girls! I thought to myself nervously on the bus to school the next day.

I had nothing against lesbians, I just wasn't so sure myself.

Then I saw a pair of brown eyes almost covered by a mop of black hair against pale skin staring at me. 

"Ethan? Since when did you get the bus?" I seemed more shocked than I wanted to be.

"Meh, since my dad's car broke down." He chuckled, slipping into the seat next to me. Followed by a girl with white hair.

"Oh, and this is Flora." He smiled.

"Hey." The girl nodded at me.

"Hi, Flora." I waved nervously.

Flora must have been a part of the little skater emo kid gang Leslie used to be in. 

"Do you know Leslie Connolly?" I asked.

"Oh, yes!" She smiled "Leslie is a good friend of mine."

"Oh, Yeah. Leslie and Flora used to hang around together after school. Until Flora moved to Germany, but she's back now!" Ethan whooped.

"Well, That's wonderful." I faked a smile at the girl, she went to our school now and was a good friend of Leslie's...Would Leslie leave me on my own again?


Another not so good chapter, I apologize for the crappyness and the fact that it is so short. I promise the next few chapters will get better with more action from Kory and his 'gang'. Picture to the side is the new girl, Flora. (So many scene kids...) This is dedicated to my lovely friend Abby because she's awesome and so so nice. You should all go follow her right now and read her story 'You Owe Me' because it's hilarious! Anyway...

Thanks for reading, I love you all. 

Bella xx

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