Chapter 9 ~ Girl World

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Kory ~ 

I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched Cameron check Sam out. Sam winked at me from over her shoulder. I was upset, Sam was my best friend and I knew I could tell him anything but he just used girls for sex and then left them. That's how we lost half the female population of our 'gang'. 

Cam finally let her eyes drift away from Sam and then to me, this must have took at least five minutes.

Like I said before, I don't stand a chance with Sam around. He was a total dickwad and girls still went after him. It was ridiculous. 

Just then, someone tapped me on the shoulder and I was thankful to turn around and see Alice. I smiled at her and she gestured for me to follow her.

Doing as I was told, I followed her into the main bedroom and sat down on the liter covered floor next to her.

"New girlfriend?" She asked.

"Fuck, no. Are you joking?" I chuckled "She's well into Sam though..."

"Is that jealousy I see, Kory?" She teased.

"No, piss off!"

"You piss off!"

"No you." 

I would consider Alice as one of my best friends, she understood me and I loved her for that. 

Alice had a strange story for coming to us. She didn't exactly come to us, we found her. 

We were walking down one of the backstreets on our way back from robbing a liquor store. We saw some guy who was obviously as high as he could get kicking a beautiful young girl to almost death. Sam and I beat the shit clean out of him and left him bleeding and breathless. We took Alice to hospital and after that she just clicked with us, especially me. 

Maybe it was because we were only two months apart in age, I being the older one, always teased her about it. 

"So, what was the kiss for?" She smiled, doing some weird criss-crossy thing with her hair.

"Because I had nothing to say?" I tried to say it as if I was bored with the conversation but it came out as if I myself was unsure as to why I kissed Cameron, and it was true. 

I barely knew the girl. 

I heard a scream and both Alice and I jumped to our feet, running out of the bedroom to find Sam sitting on top of Cameron, tickling the life out of the poor girl.

"Jesus, Sam. We thought there was sexual assault going on here." Alice laughed, a lock of her blonde, almost white hair falling from the braid she'd done in the bedroom. 

"No. Not yet." Sam winked, hopping off Cameron and running downstairs. 

"COME BACK HERE, SAMMY BOY!" I heard Karson yell and start to run after Sam. Smashing and Banging could be heard from downstairs as Cameron looked at me, confusion written all over her face. 

"Karson, he and Sam have a thing." I lied easily, acting like it was the most natural thing in the world for two perfectly straight guys to have a sexual relationship.

Well, maybe one straight guy...Karson was about as straight as a lampost shining over a gay pride parade in my opinion...

"Oh..." Cameron looked disappointed and my heart fell. I didn't know why, I barely knew her. Plus, it wasn't like we were ever gonna date. I wasn't her type at all...


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